Pechersky Holy spring in the village of turovo Photo: Pechersky Holy spring in the village of turovo

In the small village of Luga district of Leningrad region under the name of turovo is the famous Holy caves source. The appearance of the Pechersk source refers to the turn of 16-17 centuries, when in the summer season, one village girl who tended their cattle, happy occasion was spared from the incessant encroachments of one peasant phenomenon of the blessed virgin. On the very spot where there was the sudden appearance of the virgin Mary, began to break a sacred spring, which soon became known for his water with healthful and invigorating properties.

Some time later, in a nearby cave appeared a miraculous icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God, on which were depicted the faces of John the Baptist, Jesus Christ and all his Apostles. In the cave, namely, in a wooded ravine, where there was an icon, a chapel was built in the name of our lady of Pechersk, which was entirely made of wood. After some period of time, the Holy icon of the Dormition of the virgin was moved to the new chapel. Nearby to the Shrine, the area became known as little Pecorai. During the 17th and 18th centuries, the miraculous image of our lady of Pechersk was located in the building of the chapel, only in 1789 from the chapel it was moved to the village Meadow, in which was erected a magnificent Cathedral, consecrated in the name of Catherine. After the transfer of the icon to the Cathedral on the face was assigned gilded silver Riza. Every year in summer, once in meadows performed the sacred Liturgy, held at the Cathedral, a procession of the icon assigned to their spawn.

It is known that in 1851 Vlasov Timothy – peasant from the village called Hobica located at Pececitos the parish, as well as a rich landowner Kishkin Barbara built a new chapel in the village of turovo, consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The emergence of a new chapel was due to the fact that in 1702 the eponymous Church in Turov was dismantled. For the development of the project of construction of the chapel took renowned architect Peter lukaszewicz (designer of some of the buildings at Caremerica the convent, for 1849-1850 painstakingly worked on the design of the chapel. A new project was presented as a small chapel, which is on the perimeter was surrounded by a gallery with staircases, beautifully crowned with a dome in the shape of a hemisphere and the drum, decorated in the shape of a hexagon. Located on the faces of the drum window is emphasized by the similarity to the rotunda.

In the early 20th century chapel on the Pechersk source became completely unrecognizable: the roof was a gable and having a very modest small-sized dome. In addition to celebrating the so-called "Pecherek", held every year on Friday of the first week of the great apostles ' fast, committed a large procession passing from Slesinski Church and reaching to the Pechersk chapel at the Holy spring. In the village itself was conducted a local festival, which was dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in honor of blessed memory previously located at the site of the old Church.

In the 20th century the share of the chapel at sacred caves spring fell out difficult tests. Great damage was done originally by the Communists, after which the Nazis had aggravated the situation of the chapel in the sacred spring. During 1996 was conducted full-scale work on the restoration of the original form of the Shrine, located above the source.

A few years later, namely in 1999, the famous baths at the Pechersky Holy source was reconstructed on donated funds Melnikov O. A. upon submission of the necessary building material renowned entrepreneur Tishchenko N. M. Today as in the past, has a tradition of conducting the procession on the first Friday of the great apostles ' fast, which is accompanied by the blessing of water service.

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