Brodsky lock Photo: Brodsky lock

The monument of architecture of national importance Brodsky castle is located in the city of Brody, Lviv region. The first mention of the construction of the castle date back to the 80-m G. XVI century. After the acquisition in 1629 the town then Polish Hetman Stanislaw Koniecpolski built a castle here on the Bastion type. Brodsky castle was built in 1630 – 1635, by the famous French architect de Beauplan and under the watchful eye of the Italian engineer Andrea Dell'aqua.

Pentagonal in plan, the castle was made up of five clumps (shafts) and bastions, in the middle of where the dungeons were located. Around the castle there was a deep ditch, filled from time to time with water. To enter the territory of the fortress was from the city through the drawbridge, and along the dam. All 75 casemates were used as warehouses and barracks. On the citadel until the middle of XVIII century there was a wooden hut, in which lived the commandants of the fortress and the owners of the city, and a wooden chapel.

The fortress and the castle survived the siege of the Cossack troops during the Khmelnytsky uprising in 1648, During the battle of Berestechko building played the role of a Polish military base.

The first repair in the fortress took place in the late 1660s

In 1812 Vincent Potocki, following the orders of the Austrian government, dismantled the building from the city. Then were destroyed gate, the clock tower, the Fort, two bastions and backfilled the trench. Until today there are two bastions, three and a half curtain with casemates and Stanislav Potocki built a two-storey Palace of the XVIII century in the yard.

In the postwar period Brodsky castle was severely damaged by the surgery. On the initiative of the regional authorities and the Museum in 2007, work began on its restoration.

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