Ferdinand Photo: Ferdinand

Ferdinand is one of the oldest and most famous springs of mariánské lázně. To taste its salty water, which is used for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases associated with metabolic disorders, you need to go to the outskirts of mariánské lázně in the suburbs Husovice. There English is colonnade, which bears the name of Ferdinand I, - a strict construction in the traditional classical style. This colonnade was built one of the first and has been preserved almost intact.

As Ferdinand has 7 springs, many travellers are surprised to find under the shadow of the colonnade is only one source of drinking, weakly mineralized water. The remaining 6 springs are used for hydrotherapy and withdrawn in another place.

Ferdinand was found in 1819. He was in a bleak, marshy terrain. Access to it was limited: I had to go around the wetlands, so the journey took a lot of time. Soon, through the efforts of talented local resident václav skalník swamps were dried, and in their place, a beautiful Park that now surrounds colonnade Ferdinand. Did a local source even more popular. The colonnade above him was built later than landscaped surrounding countryside, in the years 1827-1828.

Several times colonnade used for another purpose: there is arranged a Museum, a cafe and even a security post. However, common sense prevailed over greed, and now the colonnade is open around the clock.

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