The Great Martyr St. Barbara's Church Photo: Barbara Church Of The Great Martyr

The Church of St. Barbara is located on the shores of picturesque lake Andmother and stretched from East to West. Is the Church in the heart of the village and carries the architectural dominant of the whole settlement. The erection of the Church was in the period from 1653 in 1656.

The famous Church belongs to the churches type "octagon on square". Such buildings near lake Onega considerable amount, but only Varvara Church is one of the earliest buildings of this type. Lighting of the Church occurred in 1650. Originally, the Church was a cell-like and consisted of several rooms – prayer room, the altar and the refectory.

At the beginning of the 18th century greatly increased the number of villages that have been assigned to the parish, and that was an important reason for the restoration in 1865. During the repair work was enumerated frame, Rusticana window in the refectory and re-cut window in the Church room. The following restoration work has occurred in the 80-ies of the 20th century, when the refectory of the Church acquired the appearance of the 17th century. Thus again were pierced with two portage Windows and left one casemate, replaced ohlupen that covers the joints of the porch and the refectory, and replaced the planks of the roof.

Strict helmet, located on the roof is not the carelessness of restorers, just in Karelia often gave him the shape of the head of a bird or horse and more carefully amasyali, not decorating. With regard to structural elements of the roof, in Karelia was taken to decorate decorative thread ends only "ceilings". The carving was carried out by means of a chisel, axe, rarely used a rotation that depended on the style of the planned thread. Thread applied several types: planar, which was scheduled for the next review; volume, which was clearly visible from long distances and large clumsy, which were decorated ceilings, located on the broken roofs of lockers porch of the temple.

As is known, porch churches always decorated very carefully. Volume carving is used in the decoration of the pillars that support the roof, deaf carving decorated fascia boards, slotted thread was decorated valances, put between the pillars under the roof.

Special attention in St. Barbara's Church can be turned to the bell tower, which was built in the 18th century. At the base is square with a small size in a few crowns, an octahedral framework. Playground for ringing open and covered with a tent, above which hung a bell. A transition that connects the Church and the bell tower leads to an internal staircase directly to the site of ringing. From this place you can see all zaonezhskoe and gave a detailed examination of the design of the bell tower, which holds within itself its own history.

At the base of the bell tower could be up to nine poles, because what their number is, the more stable the bell tower, especially when podgryvanii. Later the pillars were enclosed with the log. For the smallest podgnivaniju pillars, they were not put on earth, and in the log or on it. The pillars had a support on the beam and were trapped by the frame that did not contribute to the decay. If there was podgnivaniju frame, then you could just replace the crown of the locations below, which greatly simplified the process of repair. This kind of design can be seen on Endometerial the bell tower. The quadrangle, which is located at the base, appeared in the 17th century and had several crowns. Later the number started to increase, reaching half of the belfry frame.

With regard to the prayer of the premises, it is made in the form of shestnadtsatietazhnogo "heaven". Trechcoat and portage Windows have been preserved to our days. The architectural part is represented by carvings and carved pillars of the porch and belfry, cut in the shape of the peaks of all the ends of the planks in the porch and on the porch gallery. It is these parts of the Church Barbara the Great Martyr carry historical and architectural value as an example of the formation and development of all tent churches located in the Russian North.

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