Academy Of San Carlos Photo: The Academy Of San Carlos

Academy of San Carlos, located in the city center, is a Mexican national Academy of arts. Initially it was known as a School of engraving, and was built in 1781. Just two years later it was renamed by the Spanish government in the Royal Academy of noble arts of San Carlos and aided the development of the art of painting, architecture and sculpture. The art collection of the Academy began with the original Greek plaster casts of Roman and European works, which are now used as training material for students. Among the works of European masters here are engravings, Dating from the 16th to the 19th century, imported from Spain, France, England, Italy, Germany and Holland.

In 1929, the Academy was divided into two schools – the National school of sculpture and architecture school. The last was given to the National University of Mexico. At the school of sculpture was pinned the name "Academy of San Carlos. She is the first higher art education institution of America and, in addition, the first art Museum.

Within its walls he received his artistic education many eminent artists, among whom Rufino Tamayo, Jose Clemente Orozco, David Alfaro and others. In 2007, the Academy received education about six thousand students.

The University holds a rich collection of works of art. In addition to sculptures, paintings and photographs, there is a numismatic Cabinet with a rich collection of coins.

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