National Park Skeleton Coast stretches for 500 km from the Kunene river in the North to the ugab South. Its area is about 16,000 The main attraction of this remote area lies mainly in its colors, changeable moods and intactness of the landscape. The landscape of the skeleton Coast is diverse - from exciting the endless Sands to the mountain ranges and rugged canyons with walls of richly painted all the colors of the volcanic rocks. Shipwrecks, scattered here and there along the coast attest to the many shipwrecks that have occurred in these desolate shores. The Northern part of the skeleton Coast - the concession area and is only open for tourists coming on Safari aircraft. The southern part, between the rivers Ugab and Hoanib, is open to all visitors. However, due to the environmental vulnerability of this area in General, it is considered a nature reserve, administered by the Ministry of environment and tourism. I can add description