Iver (Anakopia) mountain and chapel Photo: Iver (Anakopia) mountain and chapel

Iver (Anakopia) mountain and chapel in New Athos is one of the attractions of the city.

Iberian mountain, located on the territory of the Gudauta district, is relatively low. Its maximum height is 344 m. the top of the mountain today you can see the preserved ruins of the ancient city Anakopia and ruins of Anakopia the citadel.

Under Anakopia the mountain and around the town are many karst caves, but the main attraction of the mountain, which made it fairly well known, has become a unique new Athos cave. For visits to the cave was discovered in 1975 In the picturesque slopes of mount Iberia is a stone-paved road monks. It originates at the foot of the mountain and ends at the top. The Iverian mountain adorn the amazing beauty of a cypress alley. Here were erected the building of chapels, the Church, and a little later – and a couple of cable car stations. With Iberian mountains offer a beautiful view of the city of New Athos and the surrounding area.

On the hill is the chapel of the Iveron Theotokos, built in 1913, the new Athos monks. It was here that the icon that was transferred from St. Panteleimon monastery in Old MT. According to the legend, the icon came to the monastery at the time when the monks of the Iveron Church saw the sea the pillar of fire with the image of the Mother of God, which, in the opinion of the monks, became the defender of the fortress and the mountains.

At the end of the VI century the Arabs wanted to seize the fortress, but all of a sudden they were overwhelmed by an epidemic that killed thousands of people. In the history of fortifications no one was able to take it. Only the time of the revolution and the war could destroy the fortress. The wall behind the Iveron chapel painted with various Christian symbols. It was erected in XIX century from the bas-reliefs, found during excavations.

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