The Church Of St. Simon The Zealot Photo: Church Of St. Simon The Zealot

Church of the Holy Apostle Simon the zealot in the city of New Athos is an interesting architectural structure of the early middle ages. It was built in the heyday of the Abkhazian Kingdom (IX-X century), and today is a unique monument of Abkhaz schools Church architecture, which was influenced by Byzantine culture.

According to legend, in the middle of the first century the apostles Simon the zealot and Andrew came into Apsilia. Andrew went further North, and the Apostle Simon the Canaanite dwelt in the cavity of a rock near the river Psyche. Soon the fame of the preaching work of Simon the zealot in the city of Anakopia reached the Roman prefects. Later the Apostle suffered martyrdom. Locals, turning to Christianity, buried the body of the Apostle. Later on this place was built the temple which was the center of Sebastopol and Anakopia dioceses.

The temple was repeatedly destroyed. In November 1875 the ruins of the temple passed into the possession of the new Athos monastery of St. Simon the Canaanite to the monastery, after which the monks took care of his recovery. As a result of the restoration of the monastery has undergone some changes: most of the walls were Zabelina was also changed their height, there is a new profiled cornice, drum acquired a round shape, and the dome - bulbs. Over the Western porch monks was built the bell tower. South and West porticos above the entrance were never restored. Restoration work in the temple were ended in early 1882, the same year he took his solemn consecration.

Currently the monastery of Saint Simon the zealot is built of hewn white stone of medium size Church. On the walls of the Church there are two early medieval Greek inscriptions. The first one is located over the southern entrance to the monastery and dates back to the IX-X century, and the second on the Eastern facade of the temple.

Today, the Church of the Holy Apostle Simon the zealot in New Athos is valid.

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