Memorial Korean war veterans Photo: a memorial to Korean war veterans

A memorial to Korean war veterans at battery Park is one of the most unusual and emotional monuments of new York. A long battle in Korea, the families of the victims still perceive with acute pain: in this war the country had lost almost 38 thousand people.

The Korean conflict was the first major battle of the cold war". The Peninsula was divided into Soviet and American zones of occupation since the surrender of Japan in 1945, the North was led by ambitious Communist Kim Il sung, who sought to unite the country under his rule. On 25 June 1950 his well-trained troops attacked the South and quickly captured the capital of Seoul. The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on the protection of South Korea (USSR could impose on it the veto decision, but boycotted the meeting). Thus, legally the aggression of the North were opposed by the UN forces.

Troops of South Korea and the United States initially retreated to the South, on a small foothold in the port area of Busan. It seemed that their defeat is inevitable. However, the onset of northerners are exhausted, the UN forces managed to gain a foothold. In September they went over to the offensive on land and landed landing in the port of Incheon, near Seoul. The city was liberated, and in October southerners and took the capital of the North, Pyongyang. The forces of Kim Il Sung were defeated, but the fight intervened China, the USSR sent their fighters. Battles were fought with varying success, until at an impasse. The peace talks have achieved success only after Stalin's death. On 27 July 1953, an agreement was signed ceasefire (full-fledged peace Treaty still does).

In the U.S. this war is called the Forgotten – in the mass consciousness as if she is lost amid the Second world war and Vietnam. However, its role in American history is huge. With Korea in the U.S. army began the process of desegregation in 1948 President Truman signed the decree by which black soldiers served under the same conditions as white). At the same time he began equipping U.S. troops with modern weapons.

Memorial erected in 1991, its author is the sculptor poppy Adams. In a black granite stele with a height of 4. 5 meters cut through the silhouette of a marine Korean war vintage (another name of the monument - "Universal soldier"). The stele is erected in such a way that through it you can see the statue of Liberty. The Foundation of the monument is decorated with mosaics with images of the flags of twenty-two countries took part in repelling Communist aggression.

At the monument there is an amazing quality. Once a year, on June 27 (the day when hostilities have ceased), solar beam passing through the soldier's head, falls on a plaque with the names of new Yorkers who died in Korea.

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