Museum Tavern Francis Photo: Museum Tavern Francis"

"Francis tavern is a Museum and a restaurant that keeps the memory of the key events of American history. In a small modest house, now surrounded by skyscrapers, events occurred that shaped the face of the country.

The building is long before the American revolution (in 1719) was built by French Huguenot Etienne de Lancey. In 1762, the house was bought by restaurateur Samuel Francis and there's the tavern.

The school quickly gained popularity, it met the "sons of liberty", supporters of the independence of the American colonies. In those days, the tavern was often the center of attraction for various communities: during the feast were based, for example, the new York chamber of Commerce and the Library society. However, the patriots have gathered in the tavern a short time: during the war for independence new York became the main base of the British troops. At this time, the tavern worked irregularly, it is known that in 1780 colonial Governor Tyrone gave a dinner party here with the participation of British generals.

In 1783 it was here that he conducted negotiations with the British on the procedure for the evacuation of their troops. New York became the last city, which left the occupants, and December 4, 1783, the victorious commander of the Continental army, George Washington invited his officers in the tavern "Francis" – to say goodbye. The credibility of Washington at this point was that he could retain power. But he resigned just nine days after the sailing of the last ship of the British and becoming a private citizen, retired to his estate.

The parting had taken place in the Long hall – here now recreated the atmosphere of the time: simple tables and chairs, banners. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Washington shook hands with each officer and said that his heart is full of love and gratitude to them.

On this revolutionary history of taverns was not over. After the election of George Washington President of the United States in a small building in the course of the year was occupied by the Department of foreign Affairs, Treasury and war Department. When the capital was moved to Philadelphia, and state institutions left the house, and now nothing prevented the tavern regulars.

In the XIX century the building not once burned, it was rebuilt, now it little resembled the original. In 1900 he was even going to carry, but are opposed to the "Daughters of the American revolution" – the women's Patriotic organization. In 1907 the building was reconstructed, trying to recreate his historical appearance (significantly, this has proved impossible: the drawings and images are not preserved).

Now there are a tavern, restaurant and Museum. In the Museum's collection – the banners of the era of the war of independence, portraits of Washington, recreated the room in which Governor George Clinton was giving a dinner in honor of George Washington. In the tavern and restaurant – beer is not worse than that, drank the officers of the Continental army, with tears in his eyes seeing his commander.

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