The fleet officers' Photo: House of fleet officers

The fleet officers – a monument of architecture of the city of Nikolaev national importance. This building was built in 1824 by order of the chief commander of the black sea fleet and ports, military Governor of Nikolaev and Sevastopol Admiral A. Greig, and initially was called the House leaders and commanders. Here the naval officers had the opportunity to gather families to hold various receptions, meetings, balls, concerts. Was posted library and cadet classes and music school.

In his time in the House leader and commanders of his lectures were Andrey Antonovich Gorenko - father of the famous poet Anna Akhmatova, gave concerts by famous composers M. P. Mussorgsky, N. And. Rimsky-Korsakov. August 30, 1890, this house hosted a reception on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Nikolaev.

With 1924, the House leader and commanders is called the House of culture of a sailor, and in the postwar period has been called the House of the officers of the fleet and the centre of culture, leisure and education of naval forces of Ukraine.

In 2004, the Ministry of defense of Ukraine passed the House of fleet officers in the regional municipal property. The authorities wanted to adapt the historic building under a regional Philharmonic society, but because of the lack of funds to repair the condition of the roof of the House of fleet officers, which the house has sustained significant damage, from defined objectives had to be abandoned. The city government a long time was negotiating to transfer the building to the city municipal property, and in August 2010 it was transferred to the city Department of culture and protection of cultural heritage.

In the near future, the fleet officers are planning to convert in the Nikolaev people's house, then he must become a center of recreation, culture and communication for the residents of the city of Nikolaev.

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