The Church Of St. Agatha Photo: Church Of St. Agatha

The Church of Saint Agatha is located on Kananaskis road, about Vidulin Barat. Nave building with an apse traditional forms built in the Byzantine style. The Church, as was previously thought, was built not later than the 10th century, but then researchers found out that she belongs to the structures of the 6th century found by archaeologists and dated them from this period.

On the walls of the apse are viewing floral ornament, characteristic of the art of Istria Middle ages. Frescoes that adorn the West wall of the Church and for many years was covered with layers of lime and were restored in 1949. Time completely destroyed the murals, located on the East side of the apse and in its upper part. They represent examples of Benedictine art Otoscope period. Writing frescoes specialists refer to the turn of the 11th-12th centuries.

On one of the frescoes we see the image of Jesus Christ on the throne surrounded by angels, on the other eleven apostles. To the left of the arched entrance depicted the sacrifice of Abraham, to the right depicts Cain. The frescoes in the Church of St. Agatha is simple in plot, which is characteristic of art of the early middle Ages. They are proof of the existence of independent schools of painting in Istria beginning of the middle ages.

The Church of St. Agatha in 1760 was restored, was erected a new altar in the Baroque style.

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