Bogotense of the hill Photo: Bogotense of the hill

Bogotense hills in the Novosibirsk region – a natural monument of Federal importance. It is located 80 km from the city of Novosibirsk. The length of the hills with a height of 350-400 m is about 100 km.

Original landscape amazing Bugotakskie hills has long attracted the attention not only of historians, but also nature lovers. Climbing to the top of the Big hill, you can see the whole Mountain village. An urban-type settlement was founded in 1952 with the aim of organising stone mining plant. The village is surrounded by industrial zones, quarries, a special building stone.

Bogotense hills is a complex of twelve hills, arranged in a semicircle. The higher their scores are approximately 400 metres above sea level. The most prominent hills are considered to be Big, Hairy and Bald. Bogotense hills are composed of igneous rocks mainly basalts and diabases.

On the small hills, there are about 260 species of plants. Many of them are listed in the Red book of the Novosibirsk region". The first thing that strikes imagination when visiting Bugotakskie hills, - the sharp contrast of the vegetable world with their southern and Northern slopes. The main feature Bugotakskie hills is that their Northern slopes are covered with birch and flies in forests with dense herbage, and the South is solid bare stony steppe. Therefore, the nature of the hills presents a peculiar fauna and flora (forest and steppe communities).

Thus animals on Bugotakskie hills, basically it is customary for the forest-steppe species. Sun and the Northern slopes of the hills are inhabited by sand lizards. Among the birds are the most common tree Pipit, Skylark, rook and yellow Wagtail. In addition, one can also see raptors such as hen Harrier, Kestrel, Buzzard, Falcon-Merlin, greater spotted eagle, white owl, Ural owl.

In 1998 Bogotense hills has received the status of a specially protected natural areas, after which they were taken under the state protection.

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