Archbishop's Palace Photo: Archbishop's Palace

Archbishop's residence in Olomouc is a complex Palace complex with two courtyards, three inputs and seven residential buildings, which is open to the public. Local guides do not get tired to stress that Olomouc is the only place in Central Europe, where it is possible to access the inner sanctum of the hierarchs of the Catholic Church. During the visit to the Palace offers visitors the chance to explore a few dwellings, a magnificent library, a study, which deals with religious issues, hall designed for holding various exhibitions.

Archbishop's Palace is not only a private residence, but also a public building, the interior of which often hosts cultural events and meetings of national importance.

The building of the Palace appeared in the XVI century and since then has undergone many changes. The original Renaissance mansion was greatly damaged during the fire that occurred in the Thirty years war. The emergence of a large Palace complex Olomouc obliged to Bishop Karl II of Liechtenstein Casteldarne. He renovating the building after the fire, decided on its expansion, which acquired the adjacent dilapidated houses and demolished them, thereby clearing the space for the construction of new buildings. Then the residence was decorated in the Baroque style.

In the early twentieth century, another fire caused a new reconstruction of the Palace complex. At that time the roof was decorated with a turret in neo-Baroque style and the statue of St. Wenceslas.

The local Archbishop's Palace witnessed the visits of many crowned heads, among which we can mention the Russian Emperor Alexander I and Austrian monarchs Maria Theresa and Franz Joseph I.

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