The Teresian spojnica Photo: the Teresian spojnica

The Teresian spojnica Olomouc is a two – storey building, erected in 1769-1778, storage of weapons and ammunition. It was built right in the city center near the Archiepiscopal Palace. They say this for the future of Arsenal chose the Empress Maria Theresa. As you know, she didn't get along with the local clergy and insisted that secular building associated with military needs, was located near the entrance to the Palace of the Olomouc prelates. The Archbishop subsequently many times complained to higher authorities and demanded to demolish the hated the Teresian zbrojnych, but this request has never been granted. Thus, modern tourists are free to enjoy building with four wings, built in the Baroque style and decorated with traditional tympanum with bas. On the tympanum can see the image of military banners and pennants, dominated by a kind of symbol of the greatness of the Habsburgs – the bas-relief of the Roman God of war Mars.

To understand why the Empress took Arsenal need to get back to the events of 1742, when the Hamburg Empire became less on samli Upper and Lower Silesia. Then the city turned into a city that stood on the border with the neighbouring state. Fearing an attack, Maria Theresa ordered to strengthen the local fortress. Were built new defences, including a large Arsenal in the centre of Olomouc.

The building has undergone various alterations, nevertheless, many of its interior has been preserved in its original form. The layout has never been changed, in some rooms you can see the arches, created during the reign of Empress Maria Theresa. Such immersion in the story makes an incredible impression and makes you think about time.

At the end of XX century the Teresian spojnica was transferred to palacký University. Now there is the University library.

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