Nobel peace center Photo: Nobel peace center

Nobel peace center was officially opened in 2005 by the king of Norway Harold and timed to coincide with the centennial celebration of the independence of the country. It is located in a former railway station, built in 1872, standing sideways to the town square overlooking the harbour.

The center is both a Museum about the history of the Nobel peace prize, and an exhibition hall with constantly updated exhibition on the theme of the struggle for peace, and the club for discussions on issues related to war, peace and conflict resolution. In addition, it is often carried out various cultural events and public lectures.

The Nobel peace prize established by renowned Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite. Documented it was incorporated in 1895. in the form of a will for an astronomical sum, left a legacy of people who have brought good to the world. The award ceremony of the world takes place in the Oslo city Hall, December 10, the day of Alfred Nobel's death. Currently the center is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of culture, sponsorship and ticket sales.

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