Church Gimbal Photo: Church Of Gimbal

Recently renovated, the Church Gimbal built over two and a half centuries ago in yellow bricks and coral, is one of the oldest churches in the Philippines. It is always a magnet for local residents, and in recent years has become one of the major tourist attractions of the province of Iloilo and the entire region of Western Visayas.

The Church building was built in 1774 under the leadership of the Spanish priest, father Campos. Most of the churches of the province of Iloilo built in the neoclassical style, and the Church Gimbal is a typical example of Baroque architecture. The builders of the Church have focused on the quality of his creation, and not on its size. It is worth noting that, although the General style of the Church Gimbal is, as mentioned above, the Baroque, it contains elements of other styles. For example, the supports and round Windows-sockets have a slightly Oriental look, and columns – Corinthian definitely. The spires on top of the Church bring to mind the Association with Moorish temples, while the turrets-the finials are similar to the other churches in Iloilo. The original bell tower was replaced with a new, and, unlike other late additions, perfectly fit into the style of the Church. Throughout its history the Church Gimbal repeatedly subjected to restoration and repair work, but the inner core remains unchanged which indicates the strength of the building.

To reach the Church of Gimbal, located in the eponymous village, from Iloilo city – the trip takes about half an hour. Once this amazing Church attracted attention when her bell rang alarm bells. Today it attracts tourists with its history and beauty.

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