Tyrsova gardens Photo: Tyrsova gardens

The main Park Pardubice called Tarcowie gardens. It is located at the fortified walls of Pardubice castle and has been for centuries a favorite place for walks of the local lords and their guests. However, over the green area, no one cared. The documents, dated from the eighteenth century, tell us about the gardens that looked more like a wild forest than refined space for a comfortable stay.

In 1931 on the shafts near the castle was a wreck venue for exhibitions devoted to physical culture and sport. It was at this time the gardens was built exhibition hall, received the name in honour of Miroslav Tyrsova.

The exhibition was temporary, it was closed, but the gardens remained. Sometimes they staged a public event, and demonstrated the fruits of achievements of national economy. But the buildings for exhibitions decayed, and in 1977 moved them to avoid accidents.

Soon local botanists decide to breed in these gardens dahlias. They are so successful in this that Tyrsova gardens in the local press began to call "the Dahlia Gardens".

The inhabitants of Pardubice never forgot about parkland in the city. It was uncomfortable for walks devoid of benches and paved paths, but these difficulties did not prevent the citizens to enjoy the fresh air while walking through the Park.

In 2002, the city authorities finally drew attention to Tyrsova gardens. Their reconstructed, put in proper order and opened to the public. Modernization gardens continues, so soon the townspeople are waiting for well-planned, well-designed Park.

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