Montparnasse Photo: Montparnasse

Montparnasse is an area in the South of Paris, former city outskirts. His fame brought writers, artists, sculptors of the 20-ies of the last century.

Actually the Boulevard Montparnasse was built in the XVIII century. In the years of the French revolution, the quarter was not politicized – here there was a lot of cabarets and dance halls. In Montparnasse believe that the cancan and polka were born here.

Already in the late nineteenth century in the quarter reached intellectuals from the Old and New world, attracted by the cheapness of life here. Artists was so much that one of the most famous sanctuaries were called the Hive (la Ruche). In different decades in Montparnasse lived and worked Picasso, Matisse, Modigliani, Chagall, Apollinaire, Hemingway, Faulkner, Scott Fitzgerald. The hospitality of the quarter was used not only creators – along the labyrinthine went emigrants Lenin, Trotsky, Petlura. Twice here could hit Mayakovsky.

Artists local cafe owners were allowed to sit at the tables as much as you want. If money to pay for it was not, in the payment took the picture. So there was a very good collection.

Heavy blow to the district caused a world – artists and writers partially escaped from the occupation, were partially destroyed by the Nazis. After the war, Paris has already failed to regain its former glory.

Now here is the business quarter. The most famous building is, without doubt, the business center of Paris with a height of 210 meters is the highest structure in Paris. Until the mid XX century there was a small station, in 1972 it was demolished. Instead he built a building that Parisians immediately dubbed the ugliest. It was recognised as a town-planning error, the municipality was not allowed to build skyscrapers in Central Paris. Still held demonstrations demanding the demolition of the building. Nevertheless, the observation deck at the top of the tower is considered one of the best.

Montparnasse cemetery – one of the most famous in Paris. Here lie Baudelaire, Sartre, Ionesco, mathematician Poincare, encyclopedist, Larus, populist Lavrov. Near a large area is famous Catholic College Stanislas.

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