The Cemetery Of Montparnasse Photo: The Cemetery Of Montparnasse

The cemetery of Montparnasse, located in the South district of Paris, resembles not the burial site, and the city Park is walking here, through the cemetery freely pass, "cutting corners". Its dimensions are small, the fame is much greater.

Cemetery in this part of the city appeared in 1824 and was first known as South. In the first decades of its existence, it is nothing special stood out. However, since the late nineteenth century, the Montparnasse area due to the cheapness of life became extremely attractive for poor painters, sculptors, writers. The names of many of them were made known, and at the local cemetery had already buried the ashes of world celebrities. Soon, the cemetery became a prestigious place of burial – there were buried not only artists, but also well-known politicians, scientists.

That is why such a diverse list of names carved on the gravestones of Montparnasse. Lying here next Prime Minister of Iran Shahpur Bakhtiar, President of Mexico Porfirio díaz, the ideologist of Ukrainian independence Simon Petlura, the founder of the largest French automobile company Andre Citroen. And near – mathematician Gustave Coriolis, encyclopedist Pierre Larus, poet Charles Baudelaire, writers guy de Maupassant, Jean-Paul Sartre, chess player Alexander Alekhine.

Monuments in the cemetery are often very unusual. Here is a tombstone over the grave of the inventor of the gas lamp Charles Dude: this lamp fashioned in every detail of the bronze beds sleeps wife of the inventor, the Dude next reads the book.

Equally unusual and traditions of the cemetery. On the grave of Serge Ginsbura, "French Vysotsky", fans of the bard, actor and Director bring cigarettes and lighters. In addition, on the tombstone are always the cabbages – it is believed that the head Ginsbura reminded of this vegetable.

The cemetery is fully plays the role of a city Park: here in good weather, always walking mothers with strollers, the clerks from neighboring offices, sitting on benches, snack sandwiches. Cared about the here and tourists: in the guard house at the entrance you can get a free plan of the cemetery.

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