The Church Of Saint-Marguerite Photo: Church Of Saint-Marguerite

The Church of Saint-Marguerite – classical facade, rectangular bell tower, white with dark blue looks among other modern houses are very comfortable, even a little rustic. Meanwhile, it is associated with one of the most puzzling mysteries of Europe.

In 1624, when the Church was built, there was a village. Since then much has changed – not only around but also inside the Church. Its not just expanded, in 1760, was attached to the chapel of the Souls in Purgatory, who became famous thanks to the architectural snag Victor Louis. Walls painted so rows of columns that give the impression of a larger than actually, space. The effect is complemented by the awesome drama of the picture of Gabriel Briard "the Transition of souls from purgatory to heaven".

The Church was a cemetery. A small portion has been preserved, which is rare for Paris. Modest Board suggests that buried here 73 people, guillotined during the revolution at the Bastille, and a baby that died in the tower of the Temple. "The child of the Temple" – this is the mystery that haunts researchers: was he the son of the executed Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, the young Dauphin Louis-Charles, king Louis XVII?

When the parents of eight-year-old Dauphin was executed, the Royal houses of Europe and the United States government recognized him as the rightful king. Actually, he was. Remember the boy about it when he was left alone in the chamber of the Temple? Fed him, but didn't communicate with it. While in the outside world the Cavaliers were making plans for his release, and the Republicans were seriously considering the option of restoring the monarchy, the young king was sick, stunted and degraded alone. In June 1795, at the age of ten, he, according to the official version, he died of scrofula, and was buried in the cemetery of Saint-Marguerite.

Rumors that buried not of the king, and another boy went at once and gave rise to a great many impostors not only in Europe but in the New World (in Mark TWAIN's "the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" described the fraudster submitted "late Dauphin"). About Louis-Charles written volumes of fiction and nonfiction. In 2000 DNA analysis of the heart of the deceased in the Temple of the child (it seized a doctor at autopsy) and the DNA of the hair of Marie Antoinette showed coincidence of genetic traits. Heart solemnly buried in the Royal tomb of Saint-Denis. This, however, did not convince the supporters version of the other boy, and spears are broken still.

And at the Church wall of St-Marguerite is a very small and simple gravestone with a cross on which is stamped "LXVII, 1785 – 1795". And the inscription, "Attendite et videte: si est dolor sicut dolor meus". This is a quote from a tragic Weeping Jeremiah (1:12): "...take a look and see if I have a disease, my disease..? ". And there are almost always flowers.

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