The Grand Palace (Grand Palais) Photo: Grand Palace (Grand Palais)

The Grand Palais (Great Palace) on the Champs Elysees – luxury building in the Beaux arts, a major cultural and exhibition center.

It was built for the world exhibition of 1900. First doubt – will it be possible to Eclipse the success of the Eiffel tower at the previous exhibition? Decided that this time the focus will be on art. The Grand Palace of fine arts (full name of the Grand Palais) is part of a massive redevelopment of the Western part of Paris.

The construction was difficult. The soil could not withstand the weight of the building, it took 3400 oak poles, because of this, estimates were greatly exceeded. Required a huge amount of stone, steel, gravel, bricks, machinery and manpower. Fifteen hundred builders also created problems – strikes broke out.

The result was worth it. Appeared a majestic building with a steel frame, huge glass roof, lots of statues, friezes, mosaics. Bronze Quadriga of the work of Georges Recipea crowned both wings of the facade – allegorical statues represent Immortality outstripping time, and Harmony, triumphant over discord. The inscription on the front proclaims that the Republic is dedicating this building to the glory of French art.

From the outset, the Palace became the venue of the exhibitions is devoted to innovation and technology and, of course, art. It is here recognized by Matisse and Gauguin, it was here first declared cubism, led by then-unknown Picasso.

During the Second world war the building was requisitioned as a military hospital beds per thousand. Painters and sculptors, not subject to mobilization, decorated the house or made molds for dentures. During the occupation the Palace was used for Nazi propaganda exhibitions, and during the liberation of Paris as the headquarters of the Resistance.

Now the Grand Palais is still art center. Art exhibitions, parades, fashion (fashion house Chanel spends his impressions here), auto shows, horse shows, book fairs, live concerts, world championship in fencing – it is difficult to list all events held under the glass roof of the Grand Palais of fine arts.

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