Estate Of Bestrasova Photo: Estate Of Bestrasova

About 40 kilometres to the East of Pskov, on the left Bank Cherekha is the historic village of Bestrasova. Once it housed a family estate. In the mid-eighteenth century, the estate belonged to Nikifor Ivanovich in. A plan of the estate of 1782 was simple: a large part of the estate had a rectangular outline in the center of which was located the house, he was surrounded by a shaft, the shaft grew trees. Later, the estate passes to Anne and Insomnia Shishkova. Further, the estate passed by inheritance from Shishkova, owns Fedor Petrovich Simansky. Besides them, the owner of these lands was and noble family Borozdina.

In 20-ies of the XIX century the estate was owned by Mikhail Nazimov (1801-1888), representative of the Pskov branch of an ancient noble family. Getting a good education, in 1816, he served first in the horse artillery, then in the guards Horse-pioneer squadron. In 1823 Nazimov became a member of the Decembrist society. In 1846 he returned from exile and lived in the estate Bestrasova inherited by him under section family estate. In 1856 Nazimova was founded rural school.

Under Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bestrasova turned into a model farm. But at the age of 67 Nazimov lost his sight, and the estate he decided to sell. Died, one of the Decembrists" in 1888, buried on the Dmitrov cemetery in Pskov.

In 1868-1904 years the estate was owned by a major public figure Nikolay Fedorovich Fan-der-flit, then after his death the estate belonged to his wife. The couple continued the case Nazimova. At his own expense Nikolay Fedorovich included a school in the village Zykovo, and then in 1870 the school was built in Bestrasova. In addition, care of the Fan-der-flit was the rural hospital with a dispensary and a pharmacy, which was also on its content. But most of all the Fan-der-flit fascinated agriculture. The estate grown best varieties of berries and apples, bred pure-bred cattle, fields used new machinery, mineral fertilizers.

In the early 1890s, the Fan-der-Flite in the HOMESTEAD built a new house. It was a two-story, stone, stucco building. Windows and doors were made of oak. From two opposite sides of the house were rows of columns. At the level of the second floor balconies were made. At the same time the orchard was enclosed by plantations of fir trees.

Died, Nikolai Fedorovich in St. Petersburg in 1896, he was buried at the Smolensk cemetery. After her husband's death Elizaveta Karlovna continued his case. In 1901, Bistratose she created an agricultural school named after N. F. Fan-der-flit. After the death of Elizaveta Karlovna, based on her will, in Pskov in 1913 the opening of Art-industrial school. The estate was transferred to Pskov district Zemstvo. Before the October revolution the estate was owned by Prince Shakhovsky. In 1917 the estate was defeated, in 1920-1930-ies there was a farm-nursery. Most of the buildings of the estate is lost, preserved only outbuildings of boulders and bricks.

Manor Park was created in the first half and at the end of the nineteenth century. Its area is 16 hectares, is located on the left Bank Cherekha. Park planning structure and now generally read. To this day preserved dug ponds, having a regular geometric shape. In addition, you can recognize partially preserved by a low earth wall that once surrounded the Park. A network of pathways and trails of the Park is lost. The historic character of the Park is garbled road, residential house, windmill, greenhouse farming. Here you can see the ancient trees of ash, maple, oak. Their age is 130-160 years. There are 2 oak and Linden, who for 230 years. In addition, the Park is home to rare to Pskov tree species: Siberian larch, Siberian pine. Decoration of the Park are ornamental shrubs: common lilac, honeysuckle, acacia yellow, hazel and others.

In 1996 Pskov regional Assembly of deputies declared the old manor Park Bestrasova monument of garden-Park art.

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