The Estate Of A. N. Pesherova Photo: The Estate Of A. N. Pesherova

On the border of the County, a scenic river Lie, at one time housed the famous rich estate called Lamanova. Today on the border with Latvia, passing along city road Krasnogorodsk, you can see only fragments of the once rich manor. Lamanova is a small village, which according to the administrative division has been part of the intercession of the parish when Apologeticum County Pskov province. Since the second half of the 18th and ending with the end of the 19th century, the estate belonged to the family of Pisarovic whose representative, in the person of Alexei Nikitich, was transferred to newly established leader of the nobility in the period from 1823 po years that had for years penal servitude And.. in the Mikhailovsky. Some time later, Alexei Nikitich elected Pskov and Vitebsk civil Governor. He had a son, and five daughters. According to testimonies of local residents, in the churchyard in the village Lamanova, located in family vaults of the family Pisarovic, in which were buried the master of the house with his wife Elizabeth Khristoforovna, their son and other relatives. Today in family vaults looted.

Once at the end of 1822 Pesherova elected leader of district nobility, he lived permanently in Mamonovo, and was engaged in the improvement of his estate. Under the tutelage of this man at the time was A. S. Pushkin himself. Pushkin came to Mamonovo to his Lyceum comrade Gorchakov, and he, in turn, was a nephew Alexei Nikitich. Before reaching Lamanova literally 58 miles, Pushkin turned his attention to the tall majestic pine tree, which was right beside the road. According to the classification, it was a giant pine tree, which has no equal in volume among all representatives of Pskov forests.

Estates.N. Pesherova was 4, 5 acres, and this territory was divided in half, the road stretching from South to North. From the West from the road is the manor house, the edges of which are the wings, and behind the house is available intended for economic needs the room, and on the South side you can see the Park. From the North over the gardening area is a small area planted with trees and a small pond and the building of the forge. From the East there are hardware courtyards. In earlier times, right next to the road was a large room, most likely, it was a stable as well as seasonal and coach-house. For larger premises housed the cellars and gardens. Famous artist Naumov described that the village Lamanova, at the time, was considered one of the richest and most luxurious among all the villages of the province of Pskov. An important distinguishing feature, as well as the pride of the village was rich in flora and well-planned Park with multiple light paths, a bathing place and a pond.

It is known that in 1875 in the village Lamanova hosted Orthodox Church, built of brick, and the brewery, distillery and its mill.

During the 1950s-1960s in this place was quite a large livestock farm. Around the same time in the area of parkland was built a small dairy. Around the perimeter Lamanova work was carried out on the cultivation of grain, flax and potatoes.

At the moment in the Park are in good condition lime, maple Avenue and larch-giants. Green leafy alley consists of 27 larches, one of whom is dead. Miraculously survived the aspen alley, but still a larger number of trees were killed. Among aspen and spruce thickets grows five old mighty oaks. Not far from the road and the pond are old willows, and in the Central part of the Park grows the majestic Siberian pine. Near the cemetery is alder alley and baths. Just a few hundred meters from the ash of the alley towards the North, in the thickets of aspen and alder, is a second bath.

All the buildings that were previously on the estate Pesherova, have long been a ruin, from which only the foundations remaining. In late 1992, the cross was erected with a height of three meters in place of the demolished Church. In June 2004 in the village on the day of Pushkin's birth was commemorated with a plaque in honor of his meeting with a friend at the Lyceum – A. M. Gorchakov.

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