Rybnik tower of the Pskov Kremlin Photo: Rybnik tower of the Pskov Kremlin

In the 15th century at the same time as the exhibition hall was built Rybnik tower of the Pskov Kremlin. Its height was 20 meters. As each tower, she had a wooden tent, observation tower and private. The tent had a square base. At the top was six loopholes. Under the tower there was a high gate, through which it was possible to get into the Kremlin. It was the main gate leading into the Middle of the city. Their name derives from the name of the Fishmonger, a trading centre on the banks of the Pskova. There were rows of shopping (Bargaining), where they sold fresh fish. To descend to the river, it was necessary to go through the Saints (Ribnita) gates.

According to one source, the first mention of this building date back to the year 1404. However, the chronicle mentions 1469 year as the time of construction of the Holy gate. It says that this year there were large stone gate. The work was carried Pskov master and got 30 silver rubles. It was the first tower that had the hipped roof of the tent. She was depicted on the icons on the background of Pskov. From Rybnik tower has its origins in basic Pskov street that led to Novgorod and Gdowski the road, and the road to the South.

In its location the tower is located in Dolmatova the city. His name is associated with the name of Prince Dovmont, which owing to internecine wars was forced to flee from Lithuania to Pskov with a small part of the Lithuanian population. Here he was baptized with the name Timothy. A year later he was elected Prince of Pskov, and he successfully ruled the city for 33 years. Holy Prince Dovmont-Timothy canonized. He did Pskov Kremlin impregnable fortification.

At that time, the urban development acted and defensive systems. Since building Zemskova were unreliable, it was necessary to strengthen the fortifications of the Kremlin and the Middle of the city. Rybnik-the tower served as the necessary additional protection. The wall, erected by the Prince next to the Kremlin in the 13th century, in memory of his services called the Dovmont. In this wall are the Holy gates. Also his name is called the territory protected by the wall – Dovmont town, where the Holy gates. This small town has long been the center of state and Church administration of Pskov. It is noteworthy that in a small area of this city of 1, 5 hectares were 18 churches.

In the 17-18 centuries many churches Dovmont town was dismantled. The same fate was waiting for and the first Reservoir tower. It stood up to the 18th century, then was dismantled. The new tower over the Holy gate was built in 1971-1972. The sample was ancient tower of the Kremlin.

Night of 27 to 28 April 2010 due to fire in the Kremlin burned down the tent Rybnik tower. After restoration work, it was restored, but now the tent was slightly less in height than the previous one.

Also, after the fire opened the entrance is through the Holy gate. Until recently, the passage through this gate was not. There was a souvenir shop. New discovery of the Holy gates took place on 23 September 2010. In addition, after the restoration November 3, 2010 was set the icon of the Saviour not made by hands" in Kyoto over the Holy gates. Work on this icon, the author began even before the fire occurred. This is a muralist from Pskov Nikolay Moskalev. Based on the famous ancient Novgorodian icon "Vernicle", Moskalev used in their work the technique of Byzantine mosaics. Before installing the icons above the gate it held its consecration. It was officiated by the rector of the Church of Alexander Nevsky Archpriest Oleg Tour with the blessing of Metropolitan of Pskov and Velikie Luki Eusebius.

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