The Church of Michael and Gabriel the Archangels with Gorodets Photo: Church of Michael and Gabriel the Archangels with Gorodets

The first St. Michael's Church was built in 1399. In ancient times there was a small consolidation "Gorodets". Until the XVI century it housed the Old bargain. To him converge all Central city streets. Once the temple stood on a hill, which for many centuries was practically invisible. The Church became a Cathedral since 1429, and especially cultivated it at the end of the eighteenth century.

Today's stone Church was built in the II half of XVII century. Archbishop Eugene in "the History of the Principality of Pskov" provides information about 1439, the established Church to be the Cathedral, rebuilt in 1694, re-consecrated in 1696. Around the Church there are 1-Netanya buildings, which in the nineteenth century hospice at Bishop's house, and at the beginning of the XX – were the apartments of the clergy. One apartment gave Cyril-Methodius brotherhood for the sale of religious books.

In September 1786, by decree of the Pskov theological Consistory, the Church of Michael the Archangel was assigned to the Church of Cosmas and Damian with Promotia. By 1808 the Church completely collapsed and was earmarked for demolition, but the Holy Synod forbade to do it. By 1900, remaining diocesan, Church was transferred to the Yenisei regiment to regiment the requirements and conduct of worship. On Sundays and public holidays services were held regimental priest, in the festivals of the Church – the clergy of the Church of Cosmas and Damian.

The Church had two altars: the main one is in the name of the Holy Archangel Michael and other angels and the altar in the side chapel in honor of the Provisions of the Belt of the blessed virgin. Left side – altar in honor of the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary – because of old age has been abolished, it housed the diocesan candle factory, and later from the Church shop.

The bell tower of the Moscow-type tent was built simultaneously with the Church above the entrance gate, between two stone houses. Once at the Church housed the poorhouse. It remains of the chapel with the icon of the Mother of God "assuage my sorrows", is especially revered by the locals.

In June 1920, the division of administration of the Pskov district-city Executive Committee made the act by which the Church and chapel are at the disposal of the religious society. In the Soviet years, when the Trinity Cathedral was captured "Renovationists", the Church of the Archangel Michael once again turned into a Cathedral for believers who have been faithful to Patriarch Tikhon. Parishioners went to the temple and not in the Trinity Cathedral that had been vacant during worship. The Church was closed in July 1936. In the late 1930s, there was aeroclube headquarters and parachute training classes.

In 1941-1945 the Pskov Orthodox mission was restored procession around the Pskov memorial day Archangel Michael. During hostilities, the temple received partial damage to walls, roofs, exterior and interior finishes. In 1948, the Church complex was renovated according to the plan of Yury spegal'sky. But then the Church closed it again.

After closing the Church was in a derelict state, was used mainly as a warehouse for a long time the repair was not done. Here, as in other churches, has repeated the same story: after learning about the opening of the Church, people began to bear icons. The iconostasis was restored by different masters. The bottom row of icons was written in Moscow, the deacon's doors, Royal gates, the second is a celebratory number – in Tver, third and fourth rows in Pskov.

After a long hiatus the first service in St. Michael's Church was held on 26 July 1995. The Church operates a soup kitchen for street children, (paying mainly produce benefactors from Germany). In addition, the Church operates a Sunday school, organized a children's Church choir.

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