Riga castle Photo: Riga castle

Riga castle for many centuries, stands on the banks of the Western Dvina (Daugava). During its long and difficult history, the castle was destroyed and rebuilt more than once, he has survived many wars, changed ruler. Currently Riga castle is the residence of the Latvian President.

The construction of the castle on the banks of the Daugava river began in 1330 on the site of the former hospital of the Holy spirit. The construction of the castle began after the destruction of the old during the capture of the city the Livonian order. With residents, responsible for the destruction of the old castle itself had to build a new order castle. Built the castle became the residence of the masters of the Livonian order. Order castle was built more than 20 years. The project was administered by master Craig Dietrich, who constructed the House of the blackheads in Riga.

A new war between the Livonian order and Riga occurred in 1481. In 1484 order castle was again ravaged by the residents. As these clashes took place repeatedly, the master of the Livonian order had moved his headquarters to another city: first, that the Wieland and then Cesis.

When the order was again in a more advantageous position, was concluded Valmiera agreement under which the residents were required to restore order castle for 6 years. But the recovery was delayed until 1515. Until the very last moment of the existence of the Livonian order (before 1562) the castle was the residence of the knights belonging to the order, and their ruler.

Since the second half of the 16th century by the owners of the castle were Polish (1578-1621), Swedish (1621-1710 and Russians (1710-1917) rulers, and close to it the structures. Since 1922, the castle became the residence of the President of Latvia. During the First World war and the Soviet occupation, the castle was occupied by different organizations. From 1940 to February 1941, the castle was occupied by the Council of people's Commissars of the Latvian SSR. In 1941 in the Northern part of the Riga castle is the Palace of pioneers. And later settled here, the museums, the castle Park were exhibitions of sculptures. The President's residence, the castle again became 12 June 1995. In addition, in the southern part of the castle is the exposition of the Museum of foreign art, and the Museum of Latvian history, etc.

Originally the castle was built in the form of a closed rectangular block with a courtyard. At the corners of the fortress towers were erected, the most important of these towers are considered to be 2, placed diagonally is the tower of St. Spirit and Lead tower.

The first floor of the castle played a defensive role, in addition, it housed offices and business premises. On the second floor was the main living quarters, there was located the room of the master of the order, bedrooms knights and dining room, chapel and meeting room. Third Armory floor was an area for shooting. On the top floor had no walls and ceilings.

The device of the Riga castle is quite simple, primarily due to the military significance of the building, the residence of the leaders of the Livonian order were built by the residents forcibly that also left a mark on the device of the Riga castle. In the cellars of the castle different years found underground passages, has partially collapsed in the mid-19th century during the demolition of the ramparts of Riga.

First, most global reconstruction of the castle date back to the mid-17th century, during the time when the castle was occupied by the Swedes. At this time in the Northern part of the Riga castle was built dwelling of the Governor-General. Towards the end of the 17th century the castle was added to the warehouse for large munitions, which during the Russian rule was converted into a 3-storey building for local institutions. (1783-1789.). The second floor was divided into two, the window is expanded, by partitions large rooms were divided into smaller premises. The Church in its original form lasted until 1870.

In 1816 on the site of the destroyed wooden buildings located in the Northern part of the castle, was a large garden. After a year in the tower of St. The spirit appeared to the Observatory, which pointed roof of the tower had to be demolished. The last extensive reconstruction of the castle occur in 1938-1939. Then the work was directed by architect E. Laube. During this period, modernized the lobby, created a large luxury room intended for banquets. In these years the Riga castle has acquired a modern look.

Today, the Riga castle, which is an important cultural-historical monument of the city, is in pretty poor condition. According to the approved program "Heritage-2018", the government of the castle is going to conduct the restoration of important cultural monuments of the city, including Riga castle. It is expected that the renovated castle will be completed by 2015.

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