Archaeological site Photo: the Monument of archeology "Ust-Sheksna"

Archaeological site "Ust-Sheksna" is located at the confluence of the Sheksna river on its right Bank. It stands on the site of a major trade settlements 11-16 centuries, which was a precursor to Rybinsk.

Since 1991, there are archaeological excavations forces Rybinsk archaeological expedition. In 2005 there was built a guard tower with a fence, which is open primarily interactive archaeological Museum. In 2006, he was a memorable character, who is the image of an ancient warrior. Since 2007, there are guided tours. In 2009, a chapel was built.

Presumably, the settlement of the land in this area of Rybinsk refers to the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Christianization of the Russian North was held in the direction of the watershed of the Volga, Sheksna, and then went above to Beloozero and to the White sea.

About 1071 there was an uprising of serfs under the leadership of two of the Magi. They moved down the Volga and Sheksna from Yaroslavl to Beloozero, attacked people and killed women who kept food in times of famine. At this time came from Svetoslav Yang, the son of Wusaty, to collect the tribute. Belozersky told him about the atrocities of two of the Magi. Coming to settlements (among which, probably, and a settlement at the confluence of the Volga and Sheksna), Magi killed women from families of elders. Jan Visatec attempted to grab the Magi, but he did not succeed. But still he was able to persuade Belozertsev to give him the Magi. Ian gave them to the relatives of the dead women, and they hanged them. This is stated in the "Tale of bygone years". This assumes that in the description of these events is mentioned Rybinsk Ust-Sheksna. It is considered the first mention of the settlement, located on the site of today's Rybinsk.

But according to archaeological excavations, it turns out that people in the confluence of the Sheksna and Volga lived in an earlier time. The time of occurrence of the settlement referred to about 9 V. this is evidenced by artifacts found in the 9-10th centuries: silver Arabic coins, spherical and gold-glass beads of carnelian, tubular holnicki, etc.

In 11-13 centuries has gained considerable development of trade routes, the Volga, Sheksna-Baltic settlement looked like a large craft and trade center, in which lived a few thousand inhabitants. A basic income would bring the steel, jewelry, blacksmithing, pottery, bone manufactures, which were served by "international" trade.

Found by archaeologists inscriptions, graffiti, book clasp, wrote, indicate literacy. The townspeople were quite wealthy. Talking about this items with gold and enamel. The professionalism of the soldiers who defended the city, to judge by the finds of armor (found fragments of plate armour and chain mail) and weapons (battle axes: stonechats and axes, spears, spears, flails, "garlic").

In the southern part of the archaeological site are the fragments of building complexes: the palings, 5 log buildings, wooden vimetco yard. Was able to restore the plan of several buildings, other buildings were reconstructed on the spots fill prirechnyh, underground pits stalls stoves. In an area of nearly 700 sq. m. found the remains of fifteen buildings. They were posted under the relevant building tiers. The main type of buildings of the ancient settlement – home ground. In houses were mud-stoves-fireplaces. There is a house of large dimensions and two-chamber structure.

The layout of the Central part of the settlement in several rows, parallel to the Sheksna. Found traces of fences between houses until the mid-12th century were characterized by the fences, then the palings, including a double. In the Northern part of the archaeological site of buildings it is possible to guess only mainland pits, clusters of ceramic fragments and individual finds.

Interest floor tiles and fragments gruberman bricks. The presence of these "urban signs" confirms the high status of this settlement.

The decline of Ust-Sheksna occurred in the 14th-15th centuries This was facilitated by the Tatar-Mongol invasion, plague. In the 14th century was lost the North, and in the 15th century the Central part of the city. But the settlement did not decay: the sources of the 15th century it is described as the administrative centre of inheritance Szehinskyj princes of trade and customs functions.

In the late 15th century Ust-Sheksna came into the possession of Andrew Uglich. Income famous Szehinskyj fish "fishing" and customs duties was the cause of "dislike" to him of Ivan III, the elder brother. This rivalry was the reason for the founding of Ivan III of right Bank Fishing settlement, with preferential taxation. Death of Andrew Uglich and requisition in favor of suburban catchers fishing put Ust-sexnina before you need to go into the service of the Grand Prince of Moscow.

Thus, Ust-Sheksna river became a source of Fish settlement, which was attended functions and swallowed the oldest population existed for over 500 years of the city centre.

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