The house-Museum of academician A. A. Ukhtomsky Photo: the House-Museum of academician A. A. Ukhtomsky

One of the branches of the Rybinsk art and historical-architectural Museum-reserve is a memorial House-Museum of the famous academician A. A. Ukhtomsky. The Museum was opened in the autumn of 1990 in a mansion on a previously existing Pastures street Rybinsk, because in this place were not only childhood, but adolescence is a brilliant scientist.

In 1950-ies the idea of creating a Museum, because at this time in the Museum-reserve were sent materials relating to a talented pupil of academician Ukhtomsky, from his disciples, Matskevich A. V., and old friend of the family Ukhtomsky – Berezina V. A. After a time, the collection was greatly enriched with the most interesting and valuable exhibits, as well as material from Makarova G. G. who was in friendly correspondence with Alexei A. Ukhtomsky. A lot of the necessary information was received from the daughter of the Berezina O. V. Kharchenko G. G., from a relative of academic Melentyev V. V., and his disciples Balatsinou V. L. and Nekrasova F. P.

A particularly significant contribution to the Museum brought the research staff of the physiological Institute named after academician Ukhtomsky, which operated at St. Petersburg University under the guidance of Professor Batueva A. S. – research consultant of the Museum. Great work carried out by another researcher Sokolov L. V. the work was also attended by the employees of the Rybinsk art and historical-architectural Museum-reserve, the promoters of the authentic heritage of academician: Marusenko L. R., Suslov N. In., Martinova L. M., Badaev, S. M., and urban enthusiasts.

In the matter of reconstruction and restoration of the house-Museum named after academician Ukhtomsky was attended by a small group of enthusiasts, composed of: V. A. Kuznetsova, S. M. Matchinski and others.

The Museum exposition gives you the opportunity to learn the history of the ancient and noble family of the princes Ukhtomsky, and with an outstanding and talented representative of the Russian physiology – academician of the USSR A. A. Ukhtomsky (1875-1942).

In the house-Museum you can see the most significant scientific works in which there is a reflection of the religious and social beliefs of the great scientist. Important attention is paid to the doctrine of the dominant, which anticipates the long-awaited opening of humanistic psychology.

One of the existing exhibition halls dedicated to the memories of Alexei Alexeyevich, in which all the interior of the living room and in another room is a study in which the scientist worked in the building research Institute in Leningrad. The most interesting is the large collection of books, gathered from the personal library of Ukhtomsky, because a greater number of manuscript volumes written by scholars on the question set forth in their opinions, interests and ideas.

The Museum displays photos of them have the opportunity to see the physiological laboratory, where he once worked Ukhtomsky in St. Petersburg – a snapshot refers to 1909. Have pictures of the scientist depicted in the family with his sister Elizabeth and her husband A. Pereslavtsev. Especially notable is a photo of Alexei is in her house in Rybinsk and working on a master's thesis, written in 1910.

The house-Museum has become a recognizable and respected not only residents, but also many visiting tourists. For all time of its existence it has become scientific and methodological center, concerning not only the development but also the implementation of social and moral ideas Ukhtomsky Aleksei Alekseevich in the curriculum of institutions of Rybinsk.

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