The Monument To P. I. Batov Photo: The Monument To P. I. Batov

In the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region on the Volga embankment, near the "Flight", is a monument to one of the most distinguished admirals of his time – P. I. Batov.

22 may 1952 it was unanimously decided to erect a commemorative monument, as reported by the Executive Committee Shcherbakovskaya city Council. Inauguration of the monument Batov occurred in the winter of 1953 on Boulevard street (on the coast of Cherry. At the end of 1959 it was decided to move the monument on the Volga river embankment is near Proletarskaya street. In 1957 it was again moved, only to have the memorial called "Fire of glory".

The total height of the monument is 1, 5 meters, while the height of the pedestal is 3 meters. As for the material, the bust is fully made of bronze, the pedestal is made of granite. On the front side of the pedestal is made of bronze plaque, on which there are relief images of the order of Lenin, two Gold stars and Laurel branches. Directly on the Board caused the text, which is the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, starting from June 2, 1945 "On awarding "Gold star" the General-the Colonel and Hero of the Soviet Union – P. I. Batova and the construction of his bronze monument, awarded in his native land".

Baht Pavel Ivanovich was born on 1 June 1897 in the small village of Velesovo belonging to the Rybinsk district of Yaroslavl province, an ordinary peasant family. At age 11, Paul settles into a fruit shop on a part-time job in St. Petersburg. At the end of 1915 he as an external student passes all the examinations in six classes of the school.

During the First World war, he voluntarily goes to the front – it is here revealed all hidden abilities Batova the commander of the exploration Department. In 1917 he was severely wounded, so he had to return to his native village.

A year later, P. I. Batov entering as a volunteer in the red Army detachments and takes an active part in the Civil war on the Eastern front in the face of a red commander. In 1923 Baht appointed as the head of the regimental school, and then became commander of the Moscow Proletarian division. In mid-1927, the Baht has completed a course called "Shot", after which he joined the Communist party.

In the period between 1936 and 1939 Pavel Ivanovich took part in the Spanish Civil war, and in 1939-1940-ies – in the war with Finland.

During the great Patriotic war he was the commander of the rifle regiment, and was Deputy commander of the Rami, and the senior assistant commander of the Bryansk front.

In the autumn of 1942 Baht was appointed commander of the 65th army, which was part of the don front. She acted on the direction of major attacks, namely: in the battles of Kursk, Stalingrad, on the Dnieper; the army participated in the liberation of Belarus and Poland and was one of the best, who participated in the famous Berlin operation. For achievements in the field of leadership by the army during the forced crossing of the Dnieper, hold, and capture a bridgehead on the shores, and the courage and bravery of 30 October 1943, Lieutenant General Pavel Batov Ivanovich was awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In addition, he was awarded another medal "gold Star" for exemplary leadership in the process of the Belorussian operation, and at the storming of the Polish city of Gdansk, the crossing of the Vistula and the capture of the Polish city of Szczecin.

In 1950 Baht graduated from the Higher academic courses at the Military Academy of the General Staff). In the period between 1962 and 1965 Pavel Ivanovich was in the position of chief of staff of the armed forces of the countries participating in the Warsaw Pact. At the end of 1955 Baht received another honorary title of "General of the Army. For 11 years, since 1970, he became Chairman of the Soviet Committee of war veterans.

On 19 April 1958 Pavel Ivanovich Batov died, and was buried in Moscow's Novodevichy cemetery.

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