The architectural ensemble of the clinical town Photo: Architectural ensemble of the clinical town

The clinical campus of the Saratov medical University (now the third Soviet hospital) began operation in September 1926. This complex was built as a stationary clinic at the only medical school opened in 1909 Imperial Nikolaev University. For the building was given a place on the outskirts of town, on the slopes of Altynai and Bald mountain.

It all began in 1914 when a native of Saratov, a brilliant surgeon, otolaryngologist, a very rich man, academician N. P.Simanovsky has allocated 100 thousand rubles from personal funds for the erection of a special building. The construction project was commissioned by famous Russian architect – K. L. Myufke (author of the campus and a number of notable buildings in Saratov and Kazan). The first world has significantly slowed the construction of the clinical center. Since 1916 the financing in a small volume of recovered C. L. Myufke continued working on the completion of three buildings in a clinical campus and oversaw the building until 1930.

At the Grand opening of the clinical town in 1926 made the first rector of Saratov state University V. I. Razumovsky acting rector of S. R. Peacekeepers and architect K. L. Myufke, who told about the history of the construction of their offspring.

Further on the clinical town was built several major hospital facilities for business and administrative services, transforming the complex of buildings at the clinical base of the Saratov state medical University, where the students work and courses of improvement of doctors. 10 June 2009 (in celebration of the centennial medical University) on campus consecrated the Church in the name of St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky), who was a scientist, a surgeon of world renown, who were ordained and did not leave the work of the practitioner.

The architectural ensemble of the clinical center K. L. Myufke with beautiful buildings (monuments), shady avenues and fountains are a unique building and landmark of Saratov.

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