The house of reception of official delegations Photo: House of reception of official delegations

On the street 32 Volga, opposite the Park "Lipki" stands the mansion of historical and architectural value of Saratov. The house was built in 1906 and was owned by one of his sons, millers dynasty the Schmidts Ivan. In some sources the architect acts as the Capitol Abramovich Doolin (bright representative of Neoclassicism and the Moscow modern), but no evidence (as well as rebuttals) no. The fate of millers and talented architect met in 1915, when the Capitol Abramovich has designed the house on Bolshaya Castrigno 21 (now St. Sacco and Vanzetti) in "Moorish style" for the Schmid family ( after numerous reconstructions mansion in our time has lost its original appearance). And since the information about the building on the street Volga was absent, many saw "the master's hand" Doolin.

Volzhskaya street (formerly Armenian) was one of the streets connecting the Upper Bazaar (now Theatre square) and Bottom (now Museum square), so the location of the enterprising owners of the mansion does not cause problems. Surprises and delights only the architecture of the building: large bulk composition and dynamic asymmetry from the modern, individual parts and moldings from Neoclassicism and large square Windows from rationalism. All these conflicting and difficult incongruous styles very harmoniously joined together in a house at the intersection of the Volga and the Cathedral.

After the revolution in 1917 to the mansion the Schmidts moved the city Committee of the Komsomol, in the great Patriotic here formed aviation regiments. In the postwar period in a luxurious mansion with preserved parquet flooring, a fireplace and a lions guarding the entrance to the building, opened the hotel for high party guests. From 1991 to 2003, it hosted a kindergarten, which could not affect the inner courtyard of the building with a beautiful grotto and a small pool. Now in a restored mansion is the "House of reception of official delegations" under the government of the Saratov region.

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