Thracian tomb in the village Iwanski Photo: Thracian tomb in the village Iwanski

Near the village Iwanski in Bulgaria is an ancient Thracian tomb. The Thracians were one of the oldest inhabitants of the Balkan Peninsula. They inhabited the South-Eastern part of Europe from Neolithic times to the middle Ages.

In the religious beliefs of the Thracians, the joint cult of the sun and the earth began. These views are reflected in burial customs. Burial in the ground after the burning of the body is the symbol of the cult of fire. The construction of tombs and placing them in different wealth was associated with the traditions of deference to the dead. The presence of such tombs of the Thracians was obligatory for rulers, representatives of a noble aristocratic family, as well as rich people.

On the territory of Shumen region was discovered more than 600 graves, made in different historical epochs. On the location they are divided into several centers, the largest of which is located in the valley of Luda Kamchia river, near the village Iwanski, village Yankovaya and the city of Smyadovo. It consists of 150 graves. Discovered this place two Thracian tombs, which are the monuments of history and architecture, currently presented to visitors in their original form.

The first tomb is completely preserved, was found in her subjects refer to the end of IV century B. C. It is built of limestone blocks without a bonding mortar, the floor is covered with stone slabs. The outside structure is reinforced with a layer of boulders. The tomb consists of two rooms – a burial chamber and the corridor to the entrance on the South side. In the chamber is decorated sculptural box designed for the remains of the deceased and the rich funerary gifts. In the tomb were found 42 gold decor item designed for the decoration of horse bridle. Now they are exhibited in the Regional historical Museum in Shumen. The rich facade of the tomb suggests that it was used as a temple. Probably it was a place of sacrifice.

The second tomb is located to the southwest of the first and is more new at the time of construction. It is built of large square blocks. The tomb is partially destroyed, her full recovery is unavailable at the moment.

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