Big devil's cave Photo: Big devil's cave

Big devil's cave is in the southern part of the tourist route Sigulda, Krimulda-Turaida, on the slope of the 15-meter cliff. It is located approximately three kilometers from Sigulda bridge, on the banks of the Gauja river on the right in the famous national Park of Gauja". Big devil's cave is a historical and natural monument of Latvia and is subject to state protection.

The length of the Big Devil's cave is 35 meters, width – more than 7 meters height – 5 meters. The cave entrance lies on the 8-meter height. To descend to the cave and climb in it is strictly prohibited. But next to it is a pedestrian suspension bridge, from which it is visible. And on the opposite Bank of the Gauja river has an observation deck from which you can also see the famous cave.

To reach the cave by walking trails, both on the right and on the left Bank of the Gauja river. In 90th years of XX century inside the cave and around it were organized archaeological excavations, takeaway accumulated leaves, twigs and debris.

There is a local legend which tells that one night the devil stole from a place Judai in the borough of pabaži. In some circumstances, and reasons, hell was delayed in transit. When the dawn came, and the first rooster proclaimed the beginning of a new day, shit got really scared. He ran to the nearest cave and hid in it, so that sunlight would not destroy him. All day he frightened and teased by passers-by, and the fetid breath of hell lit cave walls, which were black, like soot.

Saying Adam Jakubowski, which is the killer of Turaida Rose, and his friend Peteris Scurities deserted from the Polish army and was hiding in a Fucking cave. This legend, like many other legends of Latvia, captured and told the world Herman Berkovich.

Interestingly, the caves with the same name in Latvia at least three: Sigulda cave on the banks of the Gauja river (referred to) in the Abava river valley (near the complex "Plosti") and on the river Salaca in Mazsalaca.

And it's very simply explained. In ancient times, people were convinced that evil spirits dwell under the ground, and the output is selected through caves and grottos. There is another belief. Pagan rituals had always used the cave. Don't forget about romantic date, also held in these places. However, no visits were always joyful. It is worth remembering the sad story of the rose of Turaida.

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