Krimulda castle Photo: Krimulda castle

Krimulda medieval castle, or rather its ruins, located in the village of Krimulda that under the city of Sigulda, in the main slope of the right Bank of century-old valley of the Gauja river.

In 1231 Bishop of Riga has allocated land for the construction of the castle. Presumably, the construction of the castle was begun in 1255, but in historical documents confirm this fact is missing.

First mention of the castle can be found in the Protocol 1312, which was created by the Ambassador of Pope Francis from Maliana. In a time when there was a fight of the Archbishop of Riga with the order, the order's troops occupied the castle. In 1318 the order was ordered to return all property that was seized during the war.

In the period from 1558 through the years 1585, after the Livonian war, in the castle lived the superintendent from Poland. In 1592, the castle became the property of the adviser to Holdner.

In 1601, when they passed the Polish-Swedish war, the castle was captured by the Swedes. In the autumn of the same year, retreating, count Johann von Nassau was ordered to destroy the castle. He was burned. Most likely, after this incident, the castle was not restored any more, although in historical documents of the XVII century it is mentioned.

The poles could not be long kept in the Vidzeme region, and it passed into the power of the Swedes. In the annals of 1624, created by Swedes, it is said that the castle was burned, but after the fire managed to survive one room, livable, with a stove, but without Windows and with a cellar under it. Also from castle estates survived 2 crates of wood, Riga, kitchen and log cabin with 2 bathrooms.

In 1625 Sigulda and Krimulda were presented by the Swedish king Gustavus II Adolphus to the adviser Gabriel Oxenstierna. In 1726, after the Northern war, Krimulda was owned by captain Karlis von Helmersen. And in 1817 Krimulda became the property of the family of Livenow. In the years 1861-1863 count Lieven ordered an archaeological site. Leadership of the process historian H. Bruining. They have studied the foundations of the North and the entrance towers and residential spaces. 11-12 July 1862 Krimulda visited the Russian Emperor Alexander II. At the same time in the castle, in the South-Western part of the residential building on the old Foundation exterior walls were built with two Windows in the Gothic style.

The castle was built on the slope of the right Bank of the ancient valley of the Gauja river. On three sides the castle was surrounded by the natural slopes of the valleys of the rivers Gauja and Vikmeste, and on the fourth side there was a ditch.

The castle was small. It consisted of a main building and two guard towers. In the courtyard of the Chateau was occupied by farm buildings, made of wood. The castle was built of huge stones with lime binder composition. Around the castle was erected wall, having a thickness of from 1, 5 to 2 meters.

In the southwest territory was settled main building of the castle. Its size was 54, h, 5 meters. Under the body there were 3 cellars. The first floor of the castle was occupied by the kitchen, dining room and utility room on the second floor were the living room and the third floor was given over to small closets.

In the South-Western part of the castle site was located one of the guard towers (9, 5 meters wide), which protects the entrance gate. And in the North of the castle possessions were the other square guard tower. She guarded the approaches from the side of the ravine of the river Vikmeste.

Up to the present day remained insignificant remains of an ancient castle, in particular, a small fragment of a stone wall and a huge Gothic window, fashionable in the nineteenth century.

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