Vrahassi the monastery of the Forty Martyrs Photo: Processkey the monastery of the Forty Martyrs

Vrahassi the monastery is near the village of Braces, leads to the monastery mountain trail. This monastery is one of the largest in the country, as it is home to 8 people (3 novices and 5 nuns) that adhere to the Athonite tradition and remember (and sing) ancient strains.

It is believed that male settlement was established here in the XII century. The Turks twice destroyed the Holy abode: first in the XV, then in the XVIII centuries. During the last RAID, the Turks also destroyed the famous book shop, founded by Peyo.

The restoration of the monastery was completed in 1890 on the donations of local residents. The monastery was built at the place where the shepherd Atanas glimpse of the mother of God: digging up the ground, he found several items, including the miraculous icon Processkey of the Mother of God (now kept in the Church of St. Clement), as well as the remains of the ancient chandeliers and incense.

In 1891, the monastic complex was added to the stone Church – dome-less nave Basilica with a narthex. The first brethren after his revival was Ignatius, who became famous as an ascetic. With his death the monastery was deserted. Since 1935 there lived a nun Euphemia and a few novices, after which the monastery was transformed into a female.

In the XX century were built private building and the chapel of St. Kliment Ohridski".

Dedicated to the monastery of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, which was a reflection of the patronal feast. And the second most important day here honor the Nativity of the virgin.

In the monastery is the tomb of mother Cassiana, as well as relics of saints Tryphon, Charalambos, Demetrius, Seraphim of Sarov, Panteleimon and the particle of the Holy cross. Also here are brought from Greece relics of the Forty Martyrs.

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