Monument To Vasily Corcino Photo: The Monument To Vasily Corcino

How Vasilievsky island in St. Petersburg got its name, there are many legends. Many years before the founding of the city of Peter, the island was called Hirvisaari (translated from the Finnish - elk island), at the same time, called him and the Russian way – Vasilyev. The origin of the name is unknown, though there is a legend linking it with the name of the fisherman who lived here, who was called Basil, and the Novgorod Governor. Vasily Seleznev, Basil Kazimir, Vasily Anagnina. One of the legends connected with the name of major-General, major of the life guards Preobrazhensky regiment, Chevalier of the order of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral of Vasily Dmitrievich Coromina (born before 1671-1729 yy). It housed his battery when he was just a scorer. The king, sending orders and dispatches Vasily Corcino, instead of an address, wrote: "To tha island". With the construction of the city, Peter the great decided to make on Vasilievsky island economic, administrative and cultural centre of the new capital of the Russian state. However, this project was not destined to come true. The centre moved to the Admiralty. And the spit of Vasilievsky island, at the time when he built fortress, by order of Peter I, placed an artillery battery that was supposed to protect the city from the Neva. The commander appointed a Lieutenant Bombardier company Vasily Coromina. After his death came the legend that the island was to be called Vasilievsky by its name.

Vasily Korchmin was a supporter and close associate of Tsar Peter I, a key figure in Peter's army. This wonderful man is the Creator of artillery, and cavalry, and ships, as a separate genus of. V. D. Korchmin, as the chief Royal engineer, was the inventor of missiles and flamethrower, was the acknowledged master case of siege and fortification. Thanks to his military talent, was a direct participant in almost all the battles of that time, had three wounds. Basil Korchmin was a military intelligence officer, chief gunner (organizer of the fireworks), beautiful pirotehnika, the author of ambitious views, researcher, hydrograph, the industrialist who created the companies operating only on the defence of the country.

In 2003 in the yard of the house №34 on the 7th line of Vasilievsky island, close to metro station, Vasilevsky was the opening of a monument to Vasily Dmitrievich Corcino. The authors of the monument used the collective image of the hero of the times of Peter the great.

The decision to install the sculpture was made in 2001 territorial control. Among the students and teachers of art and architectural universities of St. Petersburg was a competition. In the finals four of the most interesting project: the work of P. Ignatiev, in which you viewed the motives of Dymkovo toys, and S. Sergeyev, who was an associate of Peter holding the cat, G. Lukyanov, depicting V. Coromina sitting on the barrel of the cannon and A. Buslaev - legendary hero stood in a boat, holding an oar. The competition Commission has made a choice in favor of joint work of two students of the St. Petersburg Academy of arts, S. Sergeev and G. loukianov V. D. Korchmin sits with a pipe in his hand, a gesture inviting passers-by to come closer.

At the base of the monument, on the left medallion embossed words: "the Gift of St. Petersburg in honor of the 300th anniversary of ZAO M-industry", President M. Behbudov, General Director Sergei Zagidulin". From the opposite side at the same medallion – "Scorer Basil Korchmin, the hero of the legend about the origin of the name "Vasilevsky island".

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