Palace square Photo: Palace square

Palace square (in the years 1918-1944 – Uritsky square) is the main square of St. Petersburg and a single architectural complex formed in the II half of XVIII – first half XIX centuries. Northern border forms the facade of the Winter Palace, the southern boundary is a semi-circular shape, which are formed by the General staff building, two 3-storey housing which United the triumphal arch, which is surmounted by a chariot of victory. The Eastern side of the square is framed by the building of the guards corps Headquarters. In the centre of the square is the Alexander column.

The size of the Palace square, approximately 5 ha (according to other information – 8 ha). For comparison, Moscow's Red square has an area of 2, 3 ha. among the historic buildings in the downtown area is part of the UNESCO world heritage list.

St. Petersburg's Palace square is the heart of the Northern capital. She is loved by the residents and guests of the city. This is one of the most beautiful architectural ensembles in the world, created by the best Russian architects. Your name, the square got the name of the Winter Palace, which was built in the mid-eighteenth century the idea of the architect F. B. Rastrelli.

In 1819, under the decree of Emperor Alexander I, architect K. I. Rossi was drafted architectural complex, ascended the victory of Russian arms in the Patriotic war of 1812. The idea of the architect was to integrate new buildings and existing original interiors in a single unit.

In the southern part of the square was erected a semicircular elongated facade of the General staff building. Its length is 580 km, it is noteworthy that this is the longest facade in the world. The middle of the Main staff was great and the Arch with images of winged geniuses Glory and decorated with sculptural ensemble, which includes the Chariot of Fame with the warriors and chariot Nicks – the winged goddess of Victory. Sculptors made N. Pimenov and Vasily Demuth-Malinovsky. The height of the arch is equal to 28 m, width – 17 m. the Height of the sculptural composition is 10 m.

In 1834, architect Auguste Montferrand designed the Alexander column in memory of the victory of Russian army over the French. In the same year it was opened. The column is named in honor of Emperor Alexander I. Its weight is 600 tons, height – 47, 5 m Surmounted by a figure of an angel who tramples a snake with a cross. It symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Angel cocked his head to the ground so that the bottom you can see his face. Architect – B. Orel. On the pedestal of the column are the bas-reliefs glorifying the victory of the Russian weapon. Sculptors – I. Lipce and Svintsov.

The unifying element of all the buildings was finished in 1843 the construction of the East side of the building of the guards corps Headquarters. Made by architect A. P. Bryullov. The facade is decorated with a portico of 20 ionic columns.

The most beautiful building of the Palace square is the Winter Palace, representing a Grand building with an area of 9 ha. Has about 1,500 spaces. At the time it was the highest building in St. Petersburg, and above it in the Central part of the city was forbidden to erect any house.

Light green and white facade of the Winter Palace give him the grace and airiness inherent in the Baroque style. Ingenious architect Rossi managed to unite in a harmonious a single composition the Winter Palace and serious General staff building.

Palace square is one of the most attractive places of the city of St. Petersburg. But there is a perception that the concerts and mass celebrations harm priceless architectural monuments. Suffice it to recall the fire in 2000 during the meeting of the New year, when the scaffolding above the arch of fire from firecrackers. Consequently, discusses the issue of banning concerts and festivals on her. But, despite this, for tourists and locals Palace square will always be available for walking and sightseeing.

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