The monument to the Bunny Photo: the monument to the Bunny

In 2003, may 17, in St. Petersburg ended with the restoration work at St. John the bridge between Rabbit island and the Peter and Paul fortress with the Petrograd side. On the day of its official opening to the public was presented and a new monument - a Bunny who escaped from the flood. Since then, residents and guests of St. Petersburg consider him lucky talisman St John the bridge. To see this cute monument have on the subway to get to the station Gorkovskaya. From there go Kamenoostrovskom Avenue along or through the Park. A little to the right, behind the Park will be the St. John bridge, on one of the piles which is this sculpture.

The figure of a hare, made of aluminum alloy, is quite small — only 58 centimeters. The top is covered with titanium nitride, protect it from corrosion.

Originally the sculpture wanted to install on one of the piles Kronverksky ducts, the top of which is flush with the bridge. However, this idea was not implemented, because it was quite expensive. Then I wanted to put the sculpture on a pole at 8 metres from the shore, to the right of St John the bridge, but refused it. Then, it was decided to place the sculpture of an animal on one of the piles that protect the St. John bridge during the ice drift on Neva.

The monument was repeatedly kidnapped. During the competition on the water-motor sport, traditionally held near the Peter and Paul fortress, the figure of the Bunny several times been hit by boats. But each time it returned. Over time, the sculpture was moved from one side to the other.

The history of the monument is connected with the legends about the founding of St. Petersburg in the history of which was a place and the little rabbit. One of them says that choosing the location for the future the Peter and Paul fortress, Peter the great decided to explore the island, washed by the Neva. Cost him to step out of the boat on the ground, under his feet he jumped a rabbit. After this event became known as Hare island. Another legend says that one day Peter decided to check on the construction of the future of the citadel. The results, he was extremely dissatisfied. The king was scared, guilty and threatened harsh punishment. But suddenly the hands of the king jumped the rabbit. It softened the heart of Peter and the rabbit was given as a gift to the young Princess.

A more realistic version. To strengthen the position of Russia in the Baltic, Peter the great ordered the construction of defensive fortress on the island Enisaari, whose name translates from Finnish as "Rabbit". Can be seen the figure of a Bunny and as a reminder of the floods, which is a real disaster in St. Petersburg since its founding, the animal stands on its hind legs, warily as if listening to something. However, Bunny is definitely not scared. He would rather, if necessary, to stand up for themselves.

The authors of the monument was designed by architect C. J. Pedchenko and sculpture B. A. Petrovichev, known for creating several city miniatures devoted to animals. For example, he is the author of monuments to the cat Vasilisa and the cat to Elisha at a Small Garden frog Quique at the University of aerospace instrumentation (former Chesmensky Palace), the snail and the Hippo in the St. Petersburg state University.

The monument to the Bunny loved and St. Petersburg residents and guests of the city, putting a kind of beginning installation of various funny monuments. St. Petersburg residents believe that the monument Bunny who escaped from the flood, brings good luck and happiness. If you throw in a side of a coin, and it will fall next to it, then all your deepest wish will come true, love, prosperity, good career will not take long.

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