Fortress mountain Photo: Fortress mountain

Fortress mountain in Stavropol - the historical center, the place of the city Foundation. The fortress, erected in 1777, by its position was Central in the chain of fortresses of Azov-Mozdok defensive line. The combat readiness of the fortress was checked by the great Russian commander A. V. Suvorov. The fortress was in the form of an elongated rectangle placed in the corners of the bastions, with the fortification ditch and rampart. Occupying the whole mountain, the fortress was impregnable.

In 1779, in addition to strengthening various structures housed the barracks for fourteen Dragoons. From the East and South near the fortress there was the soldier's settlement and the village, the Armenian quarter and the bourgeois suburb, in 1785, taken together, formed the city of Stavropol.

By the middle of XIX century the Stavropol fortress ceased to perform its military purpose. On the territory of strengthening appeared different civic buildings - the Treasury, the residential houses, the fire Department and district school. In the Western part of the fortifications was constructed of the Alexander girls ' school, and the castle barracks, standing, adapted for use as a shelter.

In 1849, after in 1843 Stavropol announced the Caucasian center of the diocese, on top of castle hill was built the Cathedral of our lady of Kazan, which was the patroness of the city. In 1867 near the Cathedral was erected high (about 90 m) bell tower.

My town has the value of Fortress mountain lost with the advent of Soviet power, this is primarily associated with the demolition of the Kazan Cathedral in the 1930s and bell in 1943 From the temple complex was redone only a few cascading staircase leading to the Cathedral. In 1967, at the bottom of the stairs at the mass grave of warriors hosted the opening of the memorial "Eternal Glory". The 200-year anniversary of the city also opened a monument to Suvorov and "Suvorov tent". Later on the ruins of the cinema "Rodina" in the square was installed summer concert venue.

In September 2000, at castle hill was the opening of the personal character of Stavropol - monument "Cross".

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