Picture gallery of landscapes P. M. Grechishkin Photo: Art gallery of landscapes P. M. Grechishkin

Picture gallery of the landscapes of one of the most famous landscape painters of the South of Russia P. M. Grechishkin in Stavropol is one of the cultural centers of the city. Opened in November 1987, the gallery is located on the street Morozova, 12 in the white stone building of the former mosque – a monument of history and culture. Picture gallery of landscapes is one of the departments of local lore Museum named Prozriteleva G. N. and G. K. Law

Original in the national gallery there were 167 paintings, but by the artist P. M. Grechishkin, they are constantly replenished. Today in the art gallery presents 530 works. Also donated by the artist paintings, landscapes in a dedicatory collection, there are a large number of studies, including the personal archive Grechishkina with rare pencil drawings that were created in the postwar period.

Born P. M. Grechishkin in January 1922 in the village of lower Tatarka, Stavropol territory. Under the influence of the unique nature of the native land has shaped the worldview of the future artist and opredelus direction in the work - the landscape. Theme of master paintings is very wide. Travel P. M. Grechishkin with plein-air classes are fairly solid route: from the Caucasus mountains, Ural mountains, steppes of Stavropol and lake Baikal to Egypt, France, India, Nepal and so on.

In the gallery, but the story about the life and career of P. M. Grechishkin, gallery staff its guests can offer several themed tours of the following exhibition sections: "Sketch artist P. M. Grechishkin"; "Foreign subjects in the artist-landscape painter P. M. Grechishkin"; "the Fatherland in the artist P. M. Grechishkin".

In the walls of the gallery concerts, sessions, workshops and lectures, recitals.

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