Znamenskaya and Rizpolozhenskaya Church Photo: Znamenskaya and Rizpolozhenskaya Church

In Suzdal, namely at the entrance to the town line from Vladimir, previously existing outposts, is Znamenskaya Church. The temple is located directly above the sloping Bank of the river Mara. From the East from the Znamensky Church offers a beautiful view of the surroundings of Suzdal – Mihaly (St. Michael). In these lands once is Vvedensky convent, built in the 13th century, which was burned during the invasion of Batu Khan (1237 year). Near the monastery was listed village Pinaka. The village lasted until 1685, and by the end of the 17th century became part of the city.

Between 17-18 centuries wooden Church Signs was moved to Pinaev side of what happened according to the order of Metropolitan Hilarion. In 1749, the Church was converted from wood to stone.

The basis of the whole composition of the sign of the temple is a cube, the overlap of which is made using a hipped roof. The conclusion is made in the form of faceted drum with a small onion dome. The window openings are placed in two rows and are flanked by graceful carved frames. In place of corbel arches previously occupied decoration – images of a variety of gospel subjects. The Eastern side of the main volume is part of a large apse and the West adjoins the massive porch, which relies on the majestic faceted pillars.

In 1777 near Znamenskaya Church was built a small Church of the deposition of the robe – so turned out to be an ensemble consisting of two temples. The new temple is also located on Mary, which flows directly into the Heater. Today's ensemble was formed in the 18th century. After it was built a stone Church Signs, lined up and a new "winter" Church, which was dedicated in honour especially revered holiday - the Provisions of the robe of the blessed virgin.

The feast of the deposition of the robe is celebrated in the summer of July 2, and it is connected with the process of gaining the robe of the mother of God; to this date belongs the founding of the Metropolitanate on the territory of Rus. According to ancient legend, the brothers candid and Galbi made a pilgrimage to the famous Palestinian shrines, when we stopped for the night in the Hospital – in a small house the elderly Jewess. She told them that in her possession is the greatest Christian relic – the robe of the blessed virgin Mary. The ark with its clothes was moved to Blachernae Church in Constantinople, and after a certain period of time in the ark marked and a small portion of the cincture of the Theotokos. With the Holy robes of the virgin was associated a significant event in history is the 860 year, when the troops of Prince Askold approached the border of Constantinople, but the Queen of Heaven was able to pacify them, after which the Byzantines decided to sign a peace Treaty. It is known that the contract was clearly marked point of the baptism of Rus. After a while, Askold with his army solemnly adopted the Orthodox religion. In honor of this momentous event and festivities were arranged under the title "Provision of the Robe of the virgin". On the occasion of the great event was erected a large number of temples, including Rizpolozhensky Church in Suzdal. It is also known that necessary for the construction of the Church, funds were allocated by the merchant Zubkov.

Rizpolozhensky the temple has a three-part composition. The main volume of the building is crowned by a small, bulbous domes, perched on a faceted drum. Also to volume refectory room and the apse. The Central part of the volume is slightly overestimated with respect to the apse and the refectory and equipped vosmiletnem coated with multiple Gables.

In the space between "winter" and "summer" temples is the bell tower, built in an "octagon on square"; it ends with a hemispherical roof with a single cupola. Available tiers of the building is beautifully decorated with polycolonal and pilasters.

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