Literary-memorial Museum of I. A. Kuratov Photo: the Literary-memorial Museum of I. A. Kuratov

Literary-memorial Museum of I. A. Kuratov, which is one of the divisions of the National Museum of the Komi Republic, located in Syktyvkar, at the intersection of Ordzhonikidze and Kirov.

In 1930-e years has raised the question of education of the Museum of I. A. Kuratov. And here in July 1969 on the first floor of a three storey stone house located on Ordzhonikidze street, 10 (there was a wooden house of the daughter of the priest of the E. I. Kazarinov, where in 1860-ies rented housing Ivan Alekseevich Kuratov) the opening of the literary-memorial Museum of the poet, whose founder was Tamara Castalia – enthusiast and a devoted admirer of Kuratov. And in 2009, the Museum moved into the newly renovated building (a monument of history and culture) on the same street – in the former house of the merchant Stepan G. Sukhanov. This building was first mentioned in 1801. In 1850 Sukhanov donated his house to the city school, in the period from 1924 to 1998 there was a Museum of local lore.

A new exposition of the Museum acquaints visitors with the history of the development of writing, language and literature in the region in the XIV–XX centuries. The main sections of the exhibition are: "the Emergence of writing in the Komi-Zyryans", "Komi in the family of Finno-Ugric peoples", "the Life and work of I. A. Kuratov. The history of discovery and study of the poetic heritage" and others. The exposition tells about the images of mythology and folklore of the Komi, through the Finno-Ugric language tree is able to represent the diversity of kindred peoples.

Book and iconographic monuments, proceedings of the first researchers of language and literature G. S. Lytkin, P. I. Savvaitova tell about the origin drevnerimsky literature that was associated with the creation in the fourteenth century alphabet Stephen of Perm, and the custom rewriting of the Christian liturgical books and transferring them to the Komi language in the XV-XIX centuries.

In the Museum you can see a collection of handwritten books XV-XIX centuries old family library of XVIII-XX centuries, manuscripts peasants with translations of liturgical texts and works of Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, Mark TWAIN on the Komi language.

The Central space of the Museum exhibition is a room devoted to the life and fate of the founder of Komi literature Ivan Alekseevich Kuratov and the history of the discovery of his poetic heritage. Presented here is preserved the original book from the library of the poet and his lifetime photo Kuratov. On the basis of two collections of furniture originating from residential buildings, clergy, recreates the atmosphere of the living the second half of the nineteenth century.

The period 1900-1930-ies presented at the exhibition of unique documents and objects of the era. Among them there is the manuscript of the poem C. F. Jakova "Biarmia", books with inscriptions by C. F. Iacovo, the article by P. A. Sorokin in the journal "proceedings of the Arkhangelsk society for the study of the Russian North", the letters V. A. Savin and B. T. Castalia, photos from research archive and violin A. S. Sidorov, a Secretary of F. I. Zabavoi – teacher jacova, unique translated publications 1920-1930-ies in the Komi language, a banner with the generic characters of the 1920-ies.

About creativity and the hard life during the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 narrate diary entries, letters, documents, war photographs, awards and personal belongings of the prose writers and poets: V. I. Elkina, A. P. Razmyslov, I. V. Izyumova, G. A. Fedorov, I. I. approaches, S. A. Popov, I. M. Vavilina; photographs, manuscripts, books, writers, former in the rear – writers J. M. and V. V. Rocheva yuhnin and playwrights S. I. Ermolina and N. M. Diakonova.

Hall exhibition on the contemporary literature of the Komi Republic, made in the format of the book cafe. Here with a Cup of coffee can curl up with a book, plunging into the world of images created by famous writers G. A. Yushkov, I. G. Toropov, V. V. Koshmanova, A. E. Vaneeva, V. V. Timiny, N. And. Miroshnichenko, N. N. Gurtovoy, attend musical and poetic evenings, literary meetings modern writers.

Next to the book café is the scientific library of the Museum with a unique collection of periodicals, rare books, encyclopedias XIX-XX centuries, is open to researchers, local historians, students.

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