Pavlovsk fortress Photo: Pavlovskaya fortress

The history of the construction of fortifications around Taganrog out on three centuries deep. After the capture of Azov in 1696 by order of Tsar Peter I immediately began engineering studies and works on strengthening the coastal zone of the Azov sea near Cape Takanaga Horns. For Russia, Peter the great's time, access to the sea was of strategic importance, and the Cape of Tahani horn suited for first fortress.

For the safety of the harbour created a fortified area from the North was equipped with a continuous three-meter ground shaft with a length of about eight kilometers, at its ends, it was decided to put the two towers and Paul on the banks of the river Mius and Chepiginskoe on the shore of the Azov sea, and Berlicki braids were built myself a fortress.

Construction began in 1697, when under the leadership of the Austrian engineer de Laval was laid in the trench on Petrosino spit of the sea of Azov. In March 1698 construction was halted, de Laval was dismissed from the project and construction has continued in the mouth Miusskaya estuary (Semenovskaya fortress) under the leadership of Baron Ernest von Bergdorf, Yuri Franca and Reingold Trusina. But later this decision also recognized the wrong and the construction of fortifications moved to the current location of Taganrog.

The structure of the fortifications consisted of natural barriers, artificial walls and ditches, and included several fortresses (Semenovskaja, Trinity, Paul and Cherepahsku). In the fortresses housed garrisons, and between Pavlovsk and Semyonov fortress resettled 500 families of the don Cossacks, amounting Taganrog Cossack regiment. The fortress was built of earth, as they withstand artillery fire is better than stone and they are easier to restore. But for earthworks built stone so-called "Zarudnyi wall" to protect archers.

Since 1701 in the construction of fortifications and defensive structures of the port was always busy few thousand people: peasants, prisoners, the soldiers of the garrison, captured by the Swedes.

Pavlovsk fortress was designed in the shape of a quadrilateral 80 on 237 meters exposed in the corners of the bastions for a free attack at least two sides. The defenses of the fortress increased the steepness of the banks of the estuary. The fortress was designed for a garrison of 500 men, they closed the Western end of consolidation and included in the second line of defense Troitsk from the steppes. The main task of the fortress – defense of Taganrog from the North from the raids of Crimean Tatars. By 1705 there was a whole town of Pavlovsk.

The fortress is known in the history of the fortification of Russia as the first earthen fortress, designed with precise engineering and mathematical calculations. The fortress itself was involved in military actions three times. First time since construction began in 1700 to 1712, when she had to give to the Turks by the Treaty of Prut. The second time, in 1736, after the capture of Azov by the Taganrog Munnich and lassie, until 1739 – again handed over to the Turks. The third time Azov took in 1769, and the fortress has existed as a defensive structure in 1783, but after the capture of the Crimea, it lost its strategic importance, being in the depths of Russia. According to historians, fighting near Pavlovsk fortress has never been touched, but she was an important link in the chain of fortifications of Taganrog.

For three centuries defenses almost destroyed: Trinity (Taganrog) the fortress is covered with a network of urban, Semenovskaya the fortress is under suburban buildings, Cherepahina was on the territory of metallurgical plant. The gaze of the tourist is only open shafts Pavlovsk fortress.

Find the location of the remnants of the Pavlovsk fortress can two kilometers from Taganrog, on the outskirts of the village Fee.

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