Museum of the Cossacks Photo: Museum of the Cossacks

Taman Cossack Museum is located in the village of Taman, on the beach at the old Wharf. The Museum was created, maintained and updated exhibits due to the enthusiasts of the Taman region - Vladimir Bystrov and Valentina Ivanovna, his wife. The exhibits acquired for personal savings Bistrovich, adopted in part the gift. The Museum is constantly replenished by new arrivals. Vladimir Ivanovich is a chieftain of the Taman Cossack society, and his wife was the curator of the Museum.

Historically, the word "Cossack" comes from Turkish and means free, not bound by anything. In Russia, the Cossacks were people so-called traction and tax estates that do not put up with back-breaking duties and taxes and shied away from them, moving in the southern marginal seats. Not every man of those times had the courage to live on the outskirts of Russia, subjected to constant attacks of the Mongols, the Turks, the troops of the Crimean khanate. The Cossacks had high combat skills, cohesion, unstoppable courage, military and consumer savvy.

Exhibits Cossack Museum is housed in several rooms of the building of the headquarters of Taman Cossack society. The exposition begins with Cossack huts, where recreated in detail home decor Cossack family, allowing it to present living conditions, materials, furniture and household fixtures of the era.

In the second room housed several exhibits that are interconnected by historical time and place of events. Here visitors will see objects Cossack utensils, the arms of the Cossacks, horse harness, cold steel and firearms, money bills and coins of different years. Among the items that enjoy the attention of visitors – original old photos of Cossacks and their families. The exhibits allow you to trace and change the living conditions of Cossack state over the years until the mid XX century. Well covered topic of the great Patriotic war period, samples of weapons, military equipment, many photographs of the war years.

In the exposition of the third room shows a rich collection of wooden toy soldiers, which gives an idea about the appearance and equipment of the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky, Izmailovo, Peter and other regiments of the beginning of XVIII century and later periods.

In addition to the exhibits Cossack subjects visitors can admire the works of talented descendants of the Cossacks – Taman artists, whose works occupy two rooms. For fans and collectors at the Museum there is a souvenir stall and exhibition and sale of paintings by local artists.

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