The Port Of Jaffa Photo: The Port Of Jaffa

The port of Jaffa is one of the oldest in the world, its history dates back more than three millennia. Today, it is curious and tourist area, and a working harbour, welcoming smells of fish and seaweed.

The place is mentioned in the old Testament: here the king of tyre Hiram brought rafts Lebanese cedars for the building of Solomon's Temple (2 Chr 2:16), hence escaped on the ship, trying to evade the dictates of the Lord, the prophet Jonah. Far to sail failed: played out a terrible storm, the terrified sailors in fear threw the prophet overboard, Jonah was swallowed by a whale (Jonah 1:15). Josephus in his "Jewish war" left a vivid description of the mass death of citizens at the time of the taking of Joppa, was then known as the city by the Romans – hoppity, fearing the invaders, moved to standing on the roads of the court, but in the morning, a storm broke, crashed ships, and the people perished in the waves.

The same Josephus noted that the city has no "natural harbour", the local Bank is "uneven, crytosporidium". Nevertheless, Jaffa port at all times remained an important transport hub of the Eastern Mediterranean, and because of this tidbit. In 1917, British General Allenby captured the city from Ottoman Turkey. In 1948 there was fierce rivalry between Arabs and Jews. The Arabs were defeated on the day before Israel's independence.

Today the port of Jaffa harbour, which are based fishing boats of the Arab-Jewish population. Parallel to the pier stretches a long pier with a forest of masts, to the right near the shore in the water visible ridge of sharp rocks. They are called "Andromeda rocks": the ancient Greeks believed that it was here hero Perseus rescued from a horrible sea monster chained to a rock beautiful Andromeda. Perseus defeated by showing the monster head of the Gorgon Medusa, why then froze. It was believed that one of the rocks in the port of Jaffa and there are the remains of the monster. In reality, this chain of stones is all that remains of the ancient breakwater of the port.

Not so long ago the harbour was reconstructed and turned into a great recreation area. Former warehouses converted into restaurants, on paved pier are outdoor cafes in the port area exhibitions of artists and photographers. In a converted hangar is a market that sells fresh seafood, fish, oysters. In the fisherman's restaurant in the far corner of the port offer huge portions of fried calamari with beer. If you sit here a little longer, you can see how the fishing boats give moorings for overnight fishing in the Mediterranean sea.

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