Castle Church of the exaltation of the Holy cross Photo: Castle Church of the exaltation of the Holy cross

The Church of the exaltation of the Holy cross by its appearance resembles a fairytale castle, its facade is decorated with notched Gables, and walls of white stone. The magic of this structure and gives a small tower, built in the Gothic style and seemed to pierce the clouds.

The temple is adjacent to the local Palace, whose history dates back to the XII century, and is situated directly on the Castle square. It was built simultaneously with the reconstruction of the castle, which happened in the sixteenth century. Accordingly, the person the castle owes its modern appearance, and is considered the founder of the castle Church. His name is wolf of Briesewitz. He was a Protestant, like his guests, who sometimes came in a Greenhouse. For worship and the Church was built, transformed into a castle Church. The blocks that built the walls of the Church were once part of the old Basilica of St. John the Baptist. She was part of the Abbey, which served as the basis for the construction of the local castle. Therefore, the new Church was consecrated by the name of St. John the Baptist.

In 1799, the Church was rebuilt in the Gothic style. Its interior was partially refurbished. From the initial situation remained several marble altars 1420 and 1440, creatures that are now turned into gravestones, and bell, dated 1477. During one of the last reconstruction of the Church were discovered frescoes.

In our time in the Church committed Orthodox services. First divine service in this Church was held at the end of the nineteenth century.

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