Tremosnice Photo: Tremosnice

The city of Tremosnice received the status of town recently – in 1994. Until that time, Tremosnice was a big village, which, however, had its own castle, and steel mill, and a few of the attractions that made him interesting in the eyes of tourists.

Scientists believe that this settlement appeared in the Pardubice region long before about him for the first time mentioned in documents in which there is a speech about the inheritance Tremosnice. The entry appeared in 1564. She confirmed that the village now becomes the property of Albrecht Mobmap originating from Suche. This family village is obliged by the appearance of the castle, which was built in 1610. The initial building has not survived, but his place in 1750 was built neat the Palace, more like mansions residents than housing aristocrat. The castle has an owner who pays great attention to its reconstruction. Now it is closed to the public.

At the end of the XVIII century Tremosnice donated to the charity Fund, which distributed money among the poor nobles.

In 1816 the city was founded, the foundry, providing jobs to local people.

Interestingly, in Tremosnice still don't have their own Church. In past centuries the townspeople listened to the service in the castle chapel or visited the temple located in the neighboring city of Ronov nad doubravkou. Recently, the city government decided to build in Tremosnice Church of divine Mercy, which invited architect David Vavra.

One of the most interesting local attractions is Berlov Vapenka – lime plant, which was built about 150 years ago. In its shops is now a Museum.

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