The Sistine chapel Photo: the Sistine chapel

The Sistine chapel is huge and world famous chapel in the Vatican Palace (aka — the Apostolic Palace, the official residence of the Pope in the Vatican. The chapel was built by the project by Baccio Pontelli in 1473-1481, and was originally called the Chapel Mañá, and then was renamed in honor of Pope Sixtus IV, by whose order it was restored later. Today it is the Conclave meeting of cardinals, which elects a new Pope. In addition, the chapel is famous for its murals, especially those that adorn the arches, is a masterpiece of Michelangelo. Most of the frescoes depicting the life of Moses and Christ, was created in the late 15th century by a team of painters of the Renaissance — Botticelli, Pietro Perugino, Pinturicchio, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Cosimo Rosselli. And in 1483 in the Sistine chapel held its first mass in honor of the virgin Mary. In 1508-1512, under the patronage of Pope Julius II over the painted vaults of the chapel Michelangelo worked, which was destined to create a masterpiece that changed all of Western art. Here the great master in 1535-1541, painted "Day of judgment".

The Sistine chapel is a high rectangular structure, the interior of which has the dimensions of Solomon's Temple according to the old Testament (40, 9 m in length and 13, 4 m wide). The appearance of the chapel doesn't have any decorations or special architectural elements that, in General, characteristic of the Italian churches of the middle Ages and Renaissance period. She has the facade as the entrance to the chapel is from the rooms of the papal Palace. The building itself is divided into three levels, the lower of which is a very high basement with several Windows and a doorway leading to the yard. Then follows the main room, in fact, the Sistine chapel, the height of the arches of which reaches 20, 7 M. Here you can see six tall arched Windows. And over the arch are the guards ' room for the guards.

The barrel vault of the chapel was originally painted in blue and decorated with Golden stars on the project Piermatteo Lauro de Manfredi da Amelia. The floor is decorated in the style of cosmatesque with the use of marble and coloured stones. Carved screen is also made of marble (architects Mino da Fiesole, Andrea Bregno and Giovanni Dalmata) and divides the chapel into two parts. The screen is surmounted by a number of chandeliers, once gilded.

As mentioned above, over the painted vaults of the Sistine chapel Michelangelo worked. Here he depicted the creation of the world God, the relationship of God with man and the fall of man before God. Here you can see 12 of the biblical figures of men and women, who foretold that God would send Jesus Christ to die for the salvation of mankind. The dimensions of the painted arch is about 40 m long and 13 m wide, which means that the total area of the frescoes exceeds 500 sq. m.! It is worth noting the well — known fact that Michelangelo was painting murals lying on his back on themselves engineered woods.

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