Rainbow bridge Photo: rainbow bridge

The Rainbow bridge official name is long and not so romantic - Shuto Expressway No. 11 Daiba Route — Port of Tokyo Connector Bridge. Rainbow called him that every night thousands of lights installed on the cables of the bridge, highlight it in red, white and green. For the illumination of the bridge was even drawn by the animators in the animated film "Cars-2".

There is also a legend about the Rainbow bridge – it is believed that it serves as a meeting place for deceased Pets and their owners in the afterlife. This tradition is widespread in English-speaking countries.

Actually bunk suspension bridge provides the movement of cars, trains, monorail and pedestrians across the North of Tokyo Bay from the shipyard Shibaura on a man-made island of Odaiba. The length of the bridge is 918 meters height, together with towers is 126 meters. This structure was built within five years, the opening of the bridge took place in 1993. Pedestrians walk over the Bay takes about half an hour. For tourists rainbow bridge is one of the trademarks of the Japanese capital.

The bridge connects the Minato-ku to the island of Odaiba. The island is one of the fortifications, which were built for protection against attacks from the sea in the nineteenth century. In total it was planned to build 11 artificial Islands, but managed to make only five, of whom only two survived. Today the former coastal fortification became the center of business, Commerce and entertainment, it is highly popular among visitors to Japan.

Opposite the bridge is located a copy of the statue of Liberty. She came here in the spring of 1998, when Japan was celebrated the Year of France. It is known that the French gave to the citizens of the United States the statue that became a symbol of democracy and freedom. The Japanese copy is four times less than American. Funds for its construction identified several Japanese companies headed Fuji Electric. After the end of the year of France, the monument was dismantled, but soon decided to return to their former place too great was his popularity.

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